Mage bots galore

also banning someone that buys gold, does nothing. they could just buy another account as they normally do, or just buy a boost, as they normally do.

So keep banning them.
They said they don’t ban bots immediately because sometimes it’s a hacked account.

No such problem exists with gold buyers.

what? lol that makes no sense, thats the perfect time to ban a bot.

You ain’t seen nothing yet… Wait for them to really get going in the next 6 months.

That’s what a CS guy told me when I posted about their lack of bot enforcement a few months ago.

I made a thread in the CS forums about it, it’s probably still there.
It got opened and closed a few times for “harassment” by the community.
Liekly all the gold buyers and/or the blizz fanboys flagging it becuase they were mad that I was talking about cheating(gold buying) or criticising blizzard’s lack of enforcement.

because your the type of person to believe it.

Or they are just regular players who are farming gold, to buy gear?

let me ask you this, do you understand what the blizzard rep is telling you? because your saying is completely different from what they’re informing you about.

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They’re saying that they don’t like to ban bots/exploiting accounts because they might be a hacked account and not be at fault.

All those blue posts are hilarious to me, If they wanted to do something about botting there are tons more options available then just letting players deal with it. Even options that don’t require them taking hard actions.

Like ingame adjustments to make gold less valuable, but that would cost them time/money.

Plus if my account got compromised and was being used for botting I’d want it to get banned. I can always appeal later, but I don’t want someone messing with my account.

Or just make a script that detects when someone gains 1000g or more in a single transaction and flags that account for a human investigation.

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Don’t you have to have an authenticator these days? If not, almost everyone does. This isn’t Vanilla or even TBC where yes, the majority of bots were hacked accounts.

Bots don’t even need to risk it. The one month sub investment is nothing compared to the money they’re pulling in. And they’re completely blatant about it.

Gee, what are the 50 level 25 hunters with names ranging from Gxplryo to Xcuipku doing in SM 24/7? Blizz needs to gather meticulous data for a few months to figure it out.

Please. They just don’t care.

You realize that you, too, can sell lvl 5 greens for two gold on the AH, right?


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Yep saw this last night while I was just casually farming silk cloth. Had a nice layer, only a couple players, then out of nowhere I get moved to another layer with mages pulling entire camps of lvl 27-29 orc mobs in the wetlands and blasting them down. Pretty much logged off after that.

A fun thing to do in the moment but not an actual solution to a problem that actually has OBVIOUS and easily implemented solutions.

Either there is a TOS or there isn’t. It really is that simple. Ban every account that is botting. Ban every account that is buying/selling gold. Or at the very least, permanently disable their chat, trading and mail function.

It’s offensive how Blizzard refuses to address this in a timely manner. Honestly considering unsubbing, which sucks because I am having fun. But I don’t really want to play a game when the developer blatantly ignores egregious TOS violations.

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not gonna lie, this is something i would do lol. I’d rather mindlessly aoe farm than quest.

Not when you’re a fresh level 5 and you don’t see drops until later on.

Nothing stopping you from selling drops on the AH.

While you’re in town buy a skinning knife and a mining pick and go earn some gold.

Or are you one of those types who thinks selling some ore on the AH is beneath you?

Go away troll.