Mage bots galore

Plenty of people aren’t questing because they want to preserve the quests for leveling 25-30. And there’s plenty of reason to farm them. You just seem not very smart, like the OP.

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It’s pretty apparent you can’t read. They are farming both murloc and gnoll packs. You can easily tell they are bots because they look like they are on rails.

Also fish oil+clams+pearls drop from those mobs one of the most sought after items in the game, since they’re tied to bis gear + runes.

im already at 200+gold from farming those items, and flipping on the AH


Uh oh, you must be a bot because you have >1g in your inventory (according to brainlets like the OP)

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The normal “I buy gold and am angry that people are talking about how gold buying is cheating” thought process.

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gnolls also drop health pots, cloth and greens. good to sell on the AH. its good to hit them between murloc respawns

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What are you even talking about. We are talking about AOE farming murlocs in wetlands, an extremely common and currently very lucrative strategy. Which you’re apparently too dumb to understand.

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Yea being at 200g at lvl 25 1 week in is definitely not bot behavior.

One of us is getting agitated and throwing insults out.

That leads me to believe that you have a dog in the gold farming race.

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Yes, what smart people can accomplish by thinking often seems mysterious to dumb people.

now if you wanna talk about bots, sure, theres alot of them running around 1k needles. typically it isnt very lucrative to be a mage bot. hunter bots are alot better since you can send your pet at a mob to mine/herb something and walk away.

I mean you guys obviously promote botting and gold selling. I would love Blizzard to look into the accounts you own.

In my experience anyone who gets angry or defends botting/gold buyers buys Gold and usually tries to legitimise it by saying things like “It just saves time, the game has time sinks.”

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Pretty much… they act like I am the only one complaining about botting. There is obviously plenty of other people on this forum and even reddit complaining about. It also known that Blizzard only does ban waves instead of banning accounts right there and then. By the time a ban wave is sent out those bots have already lined their wallets with more than enough money to buy more accounts and have money of their own.

That’s why I don’t care about the bots getting banned.

Ban the buyers.
No waves.
No warning.
Just banned.
First offense they should take the bought gold.
Second offense they should take all their gold and items.
Third offense they should close the account permanently.

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no, the bots generally aren’t hurting me, and i dont have some weird fetish on the forums calling out bots. if blizzard wanted to get rid of bots, they would have. we’d have physical GM’s assigned to servers, bots wouldnt be banned in waves each month. they would be banned before they turned a profit on that account, GDKP’s would be ban, all methods of power leveling/boost would be null but they wont. so it might just be better to start a community discord where you guys can talk about how foreigner are ruining your game instead of on the forums clogging it up with some boomer takes.

Bots generally are hurting you.
Bots are the reason that level 5 greens are 2g on Classic Era.
Bots are the reason that it’s over 10k g for Edgemasters on Classic Era.

They can’t catch all the bots but they can catch all the buyers.
If some guy suddenly gets 1000+g they should automatically flag the account for a human hand to take a look at it.

your gonna be real mad when i tell you you can get edge masters in a 3 just by playing the AH. without buying gold of course and starting out with 100g

You’re gonna be real mad if they ever start banning gold buyers.

why would i be mad? ive never had to buy gold once. if you actually read anything i posted, ive explicitly stated that i play the AH or farm items.