Mage bots galore

-Go to Wetlands
-Go to camps
-Watch all the mage farm packs of mobs and destroy the economy

Nice job Blizzard


If they’re aoe farming drag over some elites.

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plz blizzard start public ban waves of bots it will be the best content in sod. They said they wanna experiment right? so start “discovering” ways to get rid of all of them.

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thats the mage aoe leveling strat from 19-25 >.> im currently doing that on my mage.


Sure those level 25 mages really need to level to 26


what are they killing? the gnolls or murlocs?

Both Gnolls and Murlocs… they are bots stop trying to defend them

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have you reported it?


The people defending the bots are likely the same people that cheat(buy gold).

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you’d be surprised how many characters you think are bots are just venezuelans / malaysians / other 3rd world country gold sellers trying to make a living.

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no, you guys call anyone thats a mage, or doesnt speak english a bot, if your racist just say so, no need to dog whistle.


LMAO pulling out the racism card…

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If you’re trying to make a living in this game by farming stuff that is still bannable.

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People doing things you don’t like =/= bots.


Just say you cheat… stop trying to hide it.

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I don’t aoe farm, but I’m also not so stupid I think mages AOE farming common AOE farming spots are bots.


sure but if you flag it as botting then it wont work as there are actual people at the keyboard.

Bots are incredibly easy to spot.

He’s talking about mages AOE farming murloc packs in wetlands, one of the most common mage aoe farming locations in the game. Clearly he’s having trouble telling the difference. And so are you, apparently.


It is, but he’s saying that they’re level 25s.
There’s basically no reason for a normal player to AoE grind like that in SoD when you can just quest at level 25 and get 1-2g per quest and make more gold faster than relying on random drops.

It’s the behaviour that indicates botting not the action itself.

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