Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons


Did you just quote yourself and say it proves something? Or did you forget to switch posting characters? :rofl:

You know how liars are convinced everyone else is a liar? Cheaters always think their partner is cheating. You seem to think everyone is just posting on a variety of alts, and I think I know why.

I was Alliance and never saw it either.


Why should I care you blocked me anyway. And yet you still read my comments, so why even bother blocking anyway other than to be some kind of “own” which you can’t even follow through with, lmao.

It’s called posting something you clearly didn’t read the first time. Nice deflection though, I have two characters that I have posted on and both are known this one and my original character from back in OG wrath, Dantherian. Can you say the same?

Go ahead and call me a liar if you want, makes you entirely more wrong. If you all had any actual individuality or creativity you would post differently in nuanced tones instead of parroting the same things over and over.

I understand it’s easier to deflect and make up situations online for attention though.

I was Horde and saw it all the time. As we know though, your anecdotal evidence instantly outweighs anything else though.

Honestly, this is the most fun I have had on the forums. Wonderful ignore system that lets me quote nothing while still quoting essentially nothing!

I played wrath. I dont agree that gs was not used for dungeons. Was it more rare than now? Sure. But it was definatly there.


Nah man, never happened sorry. /s

Yup, they love to just make stuff up. Notice he switched it from happening in RDF to ‘well, on my server!’

No one cares about your server. And part of the joy of RDF was it freed you from that potential toxicity. But Blizz brought it to RDF with this Heroic+ trash.


Ah yes, rules for thee but not for me. Or, alternatively “It’s okay when I do it!”

Context my man.

For 5 mans.

Yes, people cared deeply about GS for raids, that’s how the whole “lfm icc10 normal, 6k gs” meme came about after all.

For 5 mans? No one batted an eye.


Of course he can’t, he’s posted on a dozen different trolling characters over the last couple years. All of them are low levels, because he doesn’t actually play the game. He pays to troll the forums, that’s it.


All you ever do is talk in circles, complete and utter irrelevance.

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you can whine about anything and keep bumping a post to the top… trigger a few trolls and they’ll do it for you.

like 3 ret paladins got massive buffs for their spec by spamming

now paladin has 3 s tier specs. the most broken class since classic warrior

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RDF back in original wrath was for basic heroics there was no alpha/beta/gamma thingy back then and basic heroics could be solo’d by the time RDF arrived, never in any server anyone bothered to even check the item level or gear for any others in those peace of cake easy heroics.

you know? Right now when i queue basic heroics…i group with green geared players every time and it’s super smooth and super fun.

the issue we see here now only existed because of “dungeon have more difficulty now” so people are forced to check gear for gamma’s and kick anyone under 5k GS, if tomorrow blizzard removed alpha/beta/gamma, no one would kick you if you’re 4~5k gs when they see you in basic hc RDF & then you can farm triumph badges and do daily with ease of mind.

same with ICC…people now ask you to have 6k gs to join their PUG…if raid got nerfed by 50% tomorrow…people won’t ask for 6k gs and will lower their standards since raid will be much easier and that will give pug’s life better opportunity, gives guilds better chance to recruit new comers, games will have better atmosphere and more players when it goes smoothly And RMT will be non-existent since no one would be forced to pay to get things he can easily get.

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I never seen it in RDF or prior to RDF in terms of dungeon runs during OG Wrath. People used it for raids because thats where the challenge was. People were criticized about their play in heroics, gs was used to bring people to raids and even then it wasnt a hard rule.

Without H+ and without sidereals and defiler stones and heroics not dropping triump badges older raids were still a significant part of the gearing up process. Everyone understood that so for older raids people weren’t nearly as uptight about GS unless they were doing an achievement run or something.

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The issue we see here existed back in original Wrath. It’s not new

Just because it never happened to you doesn’t mean it didn’t happen


It really didn’t though because in an effort vs reward situation stressing about GS for regular heroics is stupid.

Same reason it wasn’t an issue in phase one of wrath classic and didn’t become a problem until H+.


I mean, I don’t disagree with this. But remember the community you’re talking about - people will absolutely go out of their way to do nonsensical things just in the effort to inconvenience other people. They do now, they always have, and they always will

The thing is, you can kick players for behaving like jerks, get another player in a minute or so and go on about your business. The jerk, meanwhile, still has a 15 minute CD on queuing for another dungeon. So if they want to waste their time doing something utterly insane, fine. This is a non issue for the rest of the group.