Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

how am I suppose to gear when people kick me out of gamma,beta,alpha dungeons as soon as I enter then I have to wait 30 minutes of dungeon deserter because of it! this is old and frustrating.


Go do some pvp and then buy gear with honor


how did they gear?


Are you doing gamma with full pvp gear and no enchant to barely reach 4k GS and doing 2k DPS? If so, you may have to start lower in the gearing process.


I have noticed some groups throw that vote kick around over even certain classes etc.


the mark to enter gamma is 210 item level, theres no enchant requirement, no gem requirement, not even a PvE only gear requirement. if the bosses can be killed, then its satisfactory. dont sit and try to defend the actions of a select few jerks who think you need to overgear content to clear it. its the main reason I hate things like gearscore, most will boil someone down to series of numbers but those numbers can only tell you a fraction of what the player is capable of.

Heck, you choose people with high GS who may not even know what they are doing, they got that gear because they were present during a boss kill, not because they are skilled at their class or perform high. Gamma is not this insurmountable legendary difficulty that only a small percentage of players can overcome. Its only slightly harder than Beta with a new added gimmick.

At the end of the day, if they can queue, Blizzard says they are fine to be there, regardless of how you may or may not feel about it.


Are you expecting to jump straight from fresh 80 questing gear into gamma gear?

Seems like your groupmates are telling you that is not a reasonable expectation.


good players have good gear.


Good players run content that drops gear they need


so your saying even if i know the fight and do good dps more then most 5k GS i should get kicked do to my GS befor the fight starts? or would you rather of players with high gear do crappy dps and not know what there doing? also its not just gamma its alpha and beta.


I’ve had numerous sub 5k players in gamma, nobody ever tries to kick them. I had a sub 4k tank, nobody tried to kick him.

I don’t know if I’m just lucky, some of you are really unlucky in the types of people you encounter, or if they’re just made up stories.

I just got my first WotLKC character to 80 recently, capped honor leveling it then did some more BGs just before the patch. With a furious set and relentless offset pieces I was 232 ilvl and just under 5k GS from PvP gear.

You can do gammas with a lot less gear than that. :man_shrugging:


So I was right, and you ARE trying to jump straight from fresh 80 questing gear into heroic+ gear?

Your groupmates decided they don’t like that.


except blizzard also included the vote kick, which gives people some say in who they want in their group.


Thats not true hence why they have the freedom to kick you from you the group.


It definitely happens, I got into a ToC at 4600 with all players 5500+ and it was the “I’m in danger” meme. Kicked before I could even get on a horse.

But that’s rare and happened once out of the dozen or so I’ve done since it came out. Sometimes toxic people just gonna toxic.


I’ve done 40+ gammas and only had 1 person get kicked it was a ret pally in full deadly gear. Half holy, half ret. No gems, no enchants, and only had 40 talent points spent.

You must be in a similar boat if you are getting kicked. Most groups I’ve seen have been incredibly lenient on low geared people.


If only that were even remotely true. So naĂŻve

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i was doing them at 4.5k gs and nobody ever kicked me


The people who made the vote kick system also made it so you didn’t get the dungeon deserter debuff if you got kicked. Plus, you couldn’t kick until 15 minutes into the dungeon.

The clueless Classic team decided to change those things and create a lot more toxicity and gatekeeping.


i get it, the groups that don’t want a pug with crap gear should just put together their own group right?