Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

Yeah you must be right and everyone else is wrong. That’s definitely the case.

You’re not going to gaslight me on Wrath Heroics. I’d estimate I did a good thousand that last year of Wrath. Not ONE time did someone criticize anyone about their gearscore.

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It’s called nuance. Not everything is black and white.

You and others trot out “not on my server” but instantly pile on to someone saying the opposite. Almost like nothing is consistent and everyone had their own experiences.

Cop out buzzword response. Great for deflection, but lacking substance. Be better, but we know you won’t since this is just a character you play online.

You legit cannot make this claim lmao. Not ONE person in all of OG wrath ever criticized a GS?

GS came out in 2009. The majority of people didn’t even know it existed, or ignored it until late Ulduar. Some never paid attention to it at all. The idea that anyone would care about your GS in Wrath heroics is laughable.

Yes they did.

And now you are contradicting yourself.

I even specified

So again i say. It was a thing in wotlk.

They did for raids, not dungeons.

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It was done for dungeons as well. Again, not to the degree of today, but it was done.

Some people might have trolled RDF like they do today but by and large noone cared about GS for heroics because it literally wasn’t worth the time to worry about.

Just like how in phase 1 of wrath classic by and large noone cared about GS. It didn’t become an issue until H+.


And I’ll say again no one gave a crap about GS in heroics.


These are all the same person dude, let it drop so they can go about their lives making things up online for attention.

We aren’t the bestest of friends on here but you gotta drop it or they’re just keep going making things up and being intentionally obtuse.

Imagine actually siding with redhead, lmao.


Never get tired of this, such a well crafted take.

If you’re referring to pre-RDF…I can’t say much. But after it absolutely no one cared about gearscore. Any comp had no problems. Not even really the ICC ones. But HoR might occasionally get a wipe. But even that was rare for me.

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That explains why I was always seeing PUG adverts asking for GS for naxx 25 runs before Uld was released. (It doesn’t you are wrong)

You are proving my point about anecdotes for thee but not for me. Keep going.

Wrong. My server had groups 5 locking and asking for GS before invite.

I misread that post.

In any event it’s not anecdotal when people who actually played Wrath all agree.

By the way if you side with a known troll like Redhead you should probably reevaluate your position.

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Weird I wasn’t aware Naxx or Ulduar were dungeons.


They don’t all agree. I played OG, I know my experience.

Read my post history, that you were there for, I do not side with him. Just looking to save people from the one guy and his five alts making up stories for attention. If you want to point at well known trolls the entirety of them are in here with you on your side.

You keep talking about your server. I guess I didn’t misread your post.

People on your server were critiquing your gearscore? Good thing you had this tool called RDF where no one cared.


It wasn’t as prevalent as it is now, but there were definitely randoms in RDF that threw fits over gearscore back in the day. This isn’t some new phenomenon

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I’m not exaggerating when I say I didn’t witness it once. Did you play alliance? I was Horde. And I believe RDF was split into battlegroups back then. It’s possible there was a different culture battlegroup to battlegroup.


Once again proving my point. It’s fine for you and those on your side to be throwing around absolutes and fall back on “on my server” but when those with a different history in game bring it up it’s nonsensical garbage. You can’t have it both ways.

Kinda, proves that there were people who did care and did ask for GS for dungeons back in the day doesn’t it? Go ahead and say anecdotal.