Keep getting kicked in gamma dungeons

there are are a lot of good players that just boosted their 5th or 10th alt that took about an hour after reaching lvl 80 to buy up cheap 200/213/232/245 boes, possibly 1-2 264 crafted or raid boe items, or pvp gear thru the 30 stone keeper shard 2k honor boa tokens. they grabbed up a handful of cheap enchants, or expensive ones for their better items, same with gems, and were able to carry their weight in gamma dungeons right off the bat with a pretty respectable 5k+ gearscore. to these kinds of players, which i think is most of us, there is no excuse for performing at 25% or even 50% of that baseline level of output, and causing a 10-15 minute dungeon run to take 20-40 min. i generally don’t, but its often worthy of a quick boot.

But they generally don’t inconvenience themselves, which is why the original system would have worked so much better. You can’t kick from the start. People who get kicked don’t get debuff.

So what reason is there to hold a group hostage? None. They’ll just do the dungeon, because that’s the most efficient thing to do and Classic players are entirely about efficiency.

All these changes do is promote toxic gatekeeping. And, again, even that wouldn’t exist without these terrible anti-Wrath Mythic dungeons.


You can carry your weight when you undertand you class, it literally has zero to do with gear. All gear augments is your damage or survivability.

Which is mostly retail based in a game that was retailified with a mythic+ lite type of system.

There isnt any and there wasnt any. Its why I dont get why people would have held groups hostage anyways. People werent looking for any specific dungeons because the dungeon loot just wasnt appealing outside of if you were gearing up and it was just better than what you had. Most people would just leave the instance if they got 1 of 2 instances. OCC (which isnt bad) or HoR (again which isnt bad) because either people couldnt understand the drakes and vehicle combat, or people just have trouble with line of sight like people still have for some reason.

Now what do people do? They sign up for FoS heroic and just blow it out of the water and thats just about it. They get their 5 and go do something else.

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No it didn’t. No one cared about gearscore in a Random Wrath Heroic.


I can see multiple threads on mmo champ from 2010 claiming otherwise.,cd_max:1/1/2011

Do you mean the ones asking for the ilvl requirement for random dungeons or what?

:rofl: :rofl:

It’s like he didn’t even read the threads he linked. They’re asking about the built-in ilevel requirement to even queue for a dungeon. Not about toxic gatekeeping and kicking people.

My stalker is really silly sometimes.

He’ll now spend the next 3 hours of his life trying to find one thread from back then saying “I got kicked because of my gear!!” As if one instance amongst millions of times it didn’t happen means something.

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I didn’t link any of the threads I read. The lies never stop, even when they’re SO blatant.

EDIT: Just spent about 30 minutes reading different threads from 2010 and a couple from 2009. There were a TON of complaints from people claiming to be kicked for low GS from random heroics. I even found a thread from WoW Customer Service forum where a regular was quitting and one of the stated reasons was:

I hate doing 5 man dungeons, because of the lack of respect overall. Players are made fun of for low GS (oh no, they just hit 80 an hour ago!)

If the regular trolls cared about the truth and engaging in dialectic, they would have found those threads as well.

I’ve got six other threads here as evidence to your false narrative being completely wrong, but anyone who reads this post knows that no amount of facts or evidence matters to the people on this forum because most of the people that are left posting here are just dishonest individuals.


So he was right? You spent real time to find a few outliers?

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They dont even exist anymore lol. Blizzard literally wiped the forums and started over.


I cant believe I read that whole blue tracker thing. It didnt even say that they were kicked, its just that people were made fun of for having a low GS. Thats literally the only instance of GS or gearscore in the entire thing. So they didnt actually care about GS in heroics.

I dont actually think this “bluetracker” post is even entirely accurate. A lot of it sounds hyperbolic. Like being stalked and harassed despite the claims that they play alone. They would have had to interact with others for this to happen. Also my account was hacked back then and they claim that getting your stuff back took 2+ weeks… yet it took me like 2 hours.

Ultimately the guy says he was displeased about the game and the community and I suspect it was more him than anything else. His coworkers seem to continue to play together but he moved on.

It sounds like it was a him problem and not everything could be trusted within the post. He found no enjoyment, he would just run around aimlessly, log off in the middle of queues, he had no interests in the game. He kind of admits to not even doing that many dungeons. I mean he was logging off while in queue. I didnt see once someone going “look at this low gs druid!”. It just never happened or at the very least didnt happen on my battlegroup.


Back in OG the only people I saw get kicked were either AFK or needing on gear that clearly wasn’t an upgrade for them. No one ever gave me crap when I started heroics as a fresh 80.

This one guy, points out that my GS isn’t high enough and that he had failed miserably with a pug who had 1k+ GS more than me.
Before I could link my achievement and even explain that I know how to play, they had already vote kicked me.

Got kicked this morning from Violet Hold of all things, due to having ‘too low gearscore’.

I said, what do you mean? He states that my Gearscore is too low to be running heroic Nexus and it should be about 4.7k to be running heroics.

Put me back on ignore so I can continue to fact check you without having to put additional time into the back and forth goal post moving you engage in. Thanks.


Me either, but that post was a big bowl of hyperbolic nonsense. Why is someone constantly leaving people? Left his coworkers, left the server he had friends on. I dont actually believe this guy in the slightest. I think he was the toxic one, people pushed him away and now he wants to act like it was everyone else.

He even says that World of Warcraft is a phenomenal game… but he has no interest in it. So it cant really be this phenomenal game if it cant hold his attention for 10 minutes.

There are so many red flags in that post it shouldnt be trusted.

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So again, 5 people in the height of wows existence…so?

Theres just as many if not more than before that and the community is 10% of its former size.

Its a human thing, some people just cant stand not being the center of attention, especially some grey parsing holy paladin I suppose.

Anecdotal evidence from a complete tool. How unbelievable.

Curiously, not a single link to one or a google search since the one I provided up above showed 0.

Which makes sense cause…

This link doesn’t actually complain about getting kicked for low GS either. It complains about people being toxic and making fun of low GS certainly, but it’s not like we’re strangers to toxicity in classic at all are we?

And it seems more like a cascade of things that made this person quit rather than RDF in the first place.


Dude, lol.

You found 2 threads (the top one is for ICC you dingus) and take them at face value instantly.

The OP of this thread? A blatant liar.

2 threads over the span of an entire year RDF was in the game originally. 2 posts within those threads to be more accurate.

Funnily, I think he has me ignored so he’ll likely reply to you and ignore my corrections but yanno.

Yeah, that was a long boring drawn out read lol. Didnt even say people were kicked, just made fun of or yelled at.

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