"Just join a guild" is dumb and tone deaf

Oh and there it is, another Pro-GDKP thread by the same 5 people who have been posting threads for the past 3 months and trying to disguise them as some weird “Pro pugging” topic. Really shady behavior.


This has nothing to do with GDKPs and more so the fact that being in a guild does not solve all issues.

Sure thing bud, your post history says otherwise.

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Because topics can’t be exclusive of each other?

Am I pro GDKP? Yes. Do I do GDKPs? No.

Do I think guilds are the best solution for me? Yes. Do I think they’re the best solution for all? No.

So you want GDKPs back? Is that the point of this post?

I do want GDKPs back but that’s not the point of my post.

The point is that guilds aren’t the best solution for all.

So what is your solution?

I’m not sure.

No, it’s because you Pro-GDKP raid leaders who can’t run your GDKP gold operations right now are literally circling every thread you make into “Well you know what, the reason why X Y and Z is simply because they banned GDKPs…blah blah blah”. Which you have now done in his exact thread.

There was zero purpose for you making this thread other than to bring up your tone deaf point about GDKPs being banned. Nothing more nothing less. 99% of the forums can see a Pro-GDKP thread from a mile away.

I raid in a guild with an SR system.

Who hurt you?

No it’s just the point of most of his other posts.

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I want a strong pug scene back.

Don’t get confused

This isn’t about community

Blizzard’s bean counters did some research and found that people who are members of a guild are more like to buy in game purchases

Solo players tend not to buy mounts and Murky Plushes.

This is about money not community

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This you?

Made a topic about a GDKP ban being lifted when it was never banned in that country in the first place…yea very truthful of you. Also masking the title of that thread to bait people on the forums into your lie so you can attempt a Pro-GDKP argument with them.

It’s extremely obvious what you’re doing and honestly, it’s a slimy tactic.

I’ve already said I was pro GDKP. I also said this thread isn’t about GDKP.

Do you have the mental capacity to separate the two?

Indeed it tries to gaslight people into thinking the problem is them as opposed to Gnomer just not really being a fun raid.

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Thank you!

100% players are getting burnt and it puts RLs in a weird spot with recruiting for now and the future.

OP is right that GDKPs were a good resource for people who didn’t want to join guilds. But SoD devs decided you can’t do that anymore, so you gotta join a guild :expressionless: simple as. Remember that the GDKP ban is just an experiment though; it will most likely be lifted soon.

I pug it no problem. Maybe make a healer?

The main reason I liked GDKPs was the player skill level in them compared to other PuGs.

But I will usually run with a guild group over a PuG regardless of the PuGs loot system.

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