"Just join a guild" is dumb and tone deaf

yes, being a healer is one way to ensure you will always be wanted by somebody :expressionless: being a tank is too, but that requires more work.

Oh yeah?

Yeah tanks are defacto raid leaders, but healing is very chill. More people should try it in my opinion.

Actually the community decided, the devs just executed. Isn’t that what you always praise? Devs executing on what the community wants? Funny how because it’s SoD you disagree… :nail_care:


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The main post is not about GDKP.

The post is about how a guild is not always the best solution for everyone.

Cope :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

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Your intention for the post is in your comments and in your previous post history. It’s like you’re waiting for someone to say “Yeah but what’s the alternative?” and you can come back with “Well, for starters they shouldn’t have banned GDKP!”

Then the WoW player-base can lift you on their shoulders and show you around all of Azeroth in a grand parade as the savior of WoW. Maybe Aggrend could also give you a medal? You’d turn it down of course, as you lean into the microphone and announce “I did it for the players”

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Because ideas can’t be exclusive?

Sorry I hurt you?

I’ll double down though, saying “just join a guild” is dumb and tone deaf.

This post makes no sense, because you say guilds want committed play and go into this whole thing about the difficulty of recruiting and over recruiting. Just recruit non committed people that can fill in, and they can otherwise continue to PUG. And boom now suddenly it makes sense for people that PUG to join a guild wow that was hard to think of.

Uhhh you miss the point.

Say I can only raid every 2 weeks. The weeks that I can raid, do you think I’ll have a spot?

Then you can pug, but if there is a spot you can join a guild run instead. THat’s crazy

That’s kind of the point of the post.

If you’re going to be pugging anyways, joining a guild isn’t really solving anything.

It gives you access to guild runs

Are we just gonna go in circles now?

Yes because you’re ignoring the point you made, which is that guilds need filler people but can’t over recruit. People who don’t commit to wow are the perfect candidates for that, so joining a guild does actually make sense if you stop to think about it instead of crying on the forums for whatever you actually want but refuse to outright say.

Here’s the circular reference. What are the chances I have a sure spot in that group?

You’re gonna find out sooner or later that you will need to get guilded. Raids will get harder, pugs will get worse.

Why would you expect a sure spot if you’re uncommitted? You can’t have the best of both worlds

You’re almost getting it.

Is a guild group really the best answer for this person if they can’t commit like that?

Yes because it opens up the possibility of doing guild runs. When they need to fill anyone they’ll pick from guild members first. Being in a guild doesn’t prevent you from doing PUGs and gives potential access to guild runs.

Your inability to realize that having more possible positive outcomes is a good thing doesn’t make your argument valid.