Banning GDKPs is beyond Stupid

Title says it all. I have 4 toons, all of which have ran BFD. None have done it via a GDKP.

So why remove them? Are others being forced at gunpoint to run them? Do you think removing playing agency is going to make these players want to play more?

I’m only concerned because running GKDP in a 10 man setting is dumb enough, but Blizzard restricting it before we get to 20+ man content is self destruction.

Microsoft, it may look like the Blizzard team is sabotaging the work. Replayability is being ultimately degraded by this decision since GDKP offers a rewarding experience for players in BiS.


GDKP was virtually unheard of until original WotLK. Millions of people played the game for years before that. Replayability is gonna be fine without GDKP.


People will just quit when they have bis. Same as they used to. At least people will no longer be able to pretend era is popular once gdkp rule changes port to era, lol.


People wil litterally just stop raiding when they get BiS lol


Some will… but raids still happen… I have raided every week (minus off guild weeks) on my main on classic-wrath…

removing them is a good thing.


Some people will, and who cares? What people like you fail to grasp is that the game thrived for years before GDKP was even conceived. This notion that the game can’t survive without it is a farce.


GDKPs give an incentive to still play those BiS characters. How is this hard for you to understand?

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I understand perfectly. I’m saying there doesn’t need to be an incentive. The game existed before Wrath, and GDKPs and we did just fine without it. People still played the game. Shocking, I know.


Maybe for you but not all of us. I said earlier I don’t like feeling like I’m just carrying others. Its usually fun for me when my time is atleast somewhat productive.

GDKPs have been around longer than WoW…

RMT may have existed, but GDKP did not really burst into the scene until Wrath. I played since original Vanilla and I played a lot. If GDKP existed before Wrath, I would have heard about it before Wrath. The truth is, it didn’t. It came right around the time a lot of other toxic things like gearscore (which also debuted in Wrath).


Ya, you’re completely wrong there.

Ask yourself what GDKP stands for and what DKP stands for and where they originate from. (Again, its not WoW)

You’re right it will survive. But not like it did back in the day. Wow was fine without Gdkps because well for one it’s 10x the size it is now. And people knew new content was coming out. With no new content people will get BiS and will quit. And I think it’s going to be a lot more bigger portion of the population than what people are waging on

Which stage of grief is this post


If people quit when they have BIS nothing will change because they were only doing GDKPs anyways, so to the rest of us, we won’t even notice.

And on we go this thing of ours.

Good riddance.


Banning GDKPs is beyond Stupid

Love gdkp’ers tears, keep them coming!!


I hope they also ban all gold buyers too, you guys are a plague in our community.


If you just quit the game after getting BiS, you are the the part of the community that we want to get rid of.
You make no mention of your guildies or other players, you have no interest in the game other than gearing yourself and hoarding gold to better gear yourself. Its all selfish and immature.:expressionless:

People who actually love this game, who care about the integrity of the game are happy GDKP are being addressed.


Its like the other poster was saying. The game thrieved before GDKP became a thing. Want a side hustle and passive income? Trying publishing a book about GDKP how much you miss it. You might have a ton of interested readers right now.


Right? Imagine getting full bis and not melting people faces in stv event for extreme satisfaction, lol


Hey you know what is another incentive? Getting in a guild, and helping guildies.