"Just join a guild" is dumb and tone deaf

Are you upset that I’m just better and have solid points?

I can teach you how to boomkin if you want.

There are a hundred other MMOs where you can play uncommitted. Heck, you can even go play Classic Era, Wotlk/Cata Classic, or Retail WoW and be as uncommitted as you want thanks to the GDKP scene in Era and Wotlk Classic and LFD/LFR in Retail WoW.

SoD is literally the only version of WoW that caters to committed play. So it shouldn’t be hard for you to get why those of us who are committed players want it to stay that way and don’t want to see you get your way at our expense.


Neither does paying to have a community. How pathetic do you have to be as a player that people only play with you because you are paying them?

Where’s your main?

I’m sorry I offended you.

Sorry I offended you.

Guilds aren’t for everyone.

Neither are mmorpgs.


a guild is not a “small clique”. they can have like 200+ members dude :expressionless:

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If a guild has 200+ active members, how is raiding in that guild any different than pugging in a small server?

Have you tried joining a guild OP?

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No, don’t look at the words next to my name or anything…

This is an MMO. If you want a great single player game that allows you the thrive outside of guilds, but will still let you play with and against others, I suggest elden ring. Guilds and socializing are pretty much the only thing that made classic great besides the rock paper scissors pvp. I can’t imagine someone having fun playing classic without some sort of friendship circle.

But you don’t need a guild to raid.

People aren’t getting the point of the post. I enjoy my guild and my group. Just saying it’s an answer to everyones issues, is tone deaf.

If the devs knows the game, ppl wont come here to complain that much

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You can definitely play casually and uncommitted within a guild.

You can do that in committed guilds even. I am in one that is constantly asking the extras if any of them want to fill in for this or that role that raid. They always leave 1 or 2 spots open for the folks who can’t be on a set schedule.

But even more than that there are plenty of guilds out there that are open for an even less committed schedule, making teams out on the fly from their roster.

The benefit is obvious, I don’t know if I need to mention, and there are no downsides with the possible exception of you having to be mildly social and not being an a-hole.

This isnt a casual game,casual. MASSIVELY multiplayer online role-playing game. Try league of legends,casual.You can play that alone.

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I kind of feel like watching videos and using addons and following someone else’s rotation seems casual but that’s just me. The people who did the research aren’t but they are feeding it up for casual consumption.

I think that’s where the problem lies, people are able to reach elite, or uber, or color status fairly easily with all the assistance out there and it doesn’t really last, easy come easy go.

So it gets brought out into the public like people arguing religion or politics, dude if you were secure in your position and it worked for you how come you’re harassing people on the subway/in the park with it? hehe.

For doing nothing, people shouldn’t be rewarded the same as people who put time and effort in. I believe that for all things. You want WoW UBI in loot form. Go away.

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People are still doing something, it’s just the difference in committed vs uncommitted play that guilds almost require.

You’re playing an MMO. To want the game to be something its not specificially for you is tone deaf.

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You don’t need to be in a guild to have community though.

A guild is a community you build or join which has people the the same expectations from the game that you do. If you want an uncommitted raid schedule then make a guild that does just that.