Ban Logs and Parsing

If we want a true traditional game, we need to blind the players. We were ignorant in the past to the data we have now and it spoils us. Logs didn’t even exist until Ulduar so it’s highly “untraditional”.


Quick, somebody make a forum alt. Banlogs.


Another thread QQing about GDKP ban. Cry more


For someone that doesn’t GDKP this guy sure is passionate about it being banned.


Bullakae seethin hard,

This the 2nd or is it the 3rd GDKPs ban rage/cope/seethe thread? (Maybe 4th? Haven’t been paying close attention.)


really makes ya think

I haven’t ran any in SoD because GDKPing in a 10man is dumb in itself.

More so just the issue of where this is goin when raids do have bigger sizes.

Logs are a great tool for seeing your performance, its helpful for anyone who wants to improve at the game


Yes that’s the concern, sure it’s only 5g min now…but

No thanks, I want to know who the trash cans are so I can replace their raid slots

More so the facts A) Bidding in a 10m is kind of useless as it’s either 1 or 2 people that need any item and

B) In bigger raids when you have 10+ players going for that one item its nice to have a consolation prize for not winning it or having your loot drop.

If you need a consolation prize, you dont need to play MMORPGs


Your prize is playing the game that you presumably enjoy playing.

If you need constant material rewards for every action you make in the game then you should play a modern MMORPG.


Logs didn’t even exist until Ulduar so it’s highly “untraditional”

If you want to be historically accurate, logs have existed since 07, public logs have existed since 09. So your argument was just thrown out the window.

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I’m leveling up 10 alts as we speak so I can post on the forums to pretend I’m 10 different people…hang tight - I’ll be right there.

Because I don’t like rewards? Tell me more how I should enjoy my life?

This is what we call, a temper-tantrum, an adult temper-tantrum.

You should play a different game that suits your attention span.


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So what part was I wrong about? Ulduar was released January of 09?

Oh wow you got me good…