It's time to ban AV premaders. There is no plausible deniability anymore

I still dont see a ‘queue as raid’ button. Weird.


Exactly. Blizzard doesn’t want to lose out on what., let’s say around… 1,000 or so paid subrscribers a month? Why would they ban them? It’s not in their best interest from a business perspective

And it is only a matter of time before the right-click report abuse comes back.

It’s fun when you have 40 PvP oriented players and a map that favors you at the start and favors your defense. I agree there. It’s not fun, however, when you have 5-10 people that have to carry 30 people that are either botting or AFK. (so we premade)


They changed the “first available que” because that was the meta to do a premade and thus screw the other alliance pugs if they decided to drop. That is the contention here.
Bonified complaints about this were more from Alliance pug players and rightfully so.
Now that’s obsolete, all games are full. Regardless of how many premaders manage to get into a game, the games will always be filled. Blizzard addressed the unfairness of a 40 vs 10 start on both sides of the coin.
Horde is just salty they cant get 5k max honor and camp GYs.
Be happy Horde, que times are about to get better for you.


Do you seriously reeeeeeeeee screech about premades 24/7?

Do you even play wow?


As i’ve stated before, you’re not winning this one.

Why do you continue? Lol

Edit; The zug zug is strong with this one.


Instead of bans just strip all their pvp titles and awards and make them restart the honor grinds. Repeat if repeat offender


We got the Police in here now boys, watch out.


It’s funny that all of you think premading requires ZERO pvp… when every other game we ended with 200-300 HKs, and a max of 10 deaths. That’s PvP friend. That’s us STOMPING you out… in PvP… We still earned it, and are better at earning it. I’m sorry we are competitive in nature and don’t want to roll over to 100% loss in AV pugs all day.

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I’m just an innocent seabear

:fish: :bear:

Did you guys read the same post everyone else read? This doesn’t scream anti-premade but a fix to the mass amount of empty lobbies spawned and adding in the ability to group q.

Those 3 hours Q’s have really made you delusional I guess.

neither is clicking “join queue”, baby girl


As long as the premades exist, mass report abuse will exist. That was one of the “pain points”

Alliance pugs will evolve soon and it is not that bad at start as before(15 vs 40).
Long live Alliance premade.
Have fun.
Cry more.
Thank you.

Nowhere in their AV Adjustment post does it hint towards the mass reporting.

You sound like you want to win every match. 80% win rate for horde in av not good enough? lol

Is your argument really “they didn’t use these exact words, therefor it is okay?”

How are people still premading?

My argument?

Are you aware what precedent means? Or do you really think a post that has 0 reference to abuse of their report system is Blizzard sending a loud and clear message?