It's time to ban AV premaders. There is no plausible deniability anymore

My personal identity isn’t so tied up with this game that your comment is upsetting.

I was exalted with AV day 2 winning non-stop games. Now I’m just going for honor and, just like horde camping flight paths, I want to optimize the amount of honor I can get when I play. That means premade groups.

Do you think I got Justicar on my retail mage by running pugs?

The best part is that the people complaining about premades know with 100% certainty that if the roles were reversed they would also be doing premades, because it’s completely stupid not too. If the option exists and that option is the best and most efficient for honor then you are only holding yourself back by not participating and there is no reward for “I took 5x longer to get r10 but I didn’t do it in a premade”.


Dude, you made the premade mafia mad. I imagine a moderator will be along shortly to restore your post.

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In the past 5 minutes I’ve been browsing the forums, about half of the OPs I’ve seen have been muted. The mafia is going strong this morning.


The funniest part of all of this is the premades are the using the system as it was originally intended. The faction imbalance and increased population make it seem worse, but ideally this was how they designed BG queues.


Mafia :crazy_face:

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LMAO the level of delusion it takes to say this less than 3 days after a patch

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The horde qq and the call for developers to come back and change a 15 year old game.

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I’m listening in their premade channel and they all linked your post and said to report it. They did the same thing with the youtube video guy. They all went to his youtube channel to mass report his video. These guys are so sweaty.


Lol, that isn’t how it works.

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Little odd a Horde that runs to his buddies when he’s about to get ported to the gy cares when Ally rally together.

litttttttle odd.

Yes it is. How do you think it works?

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Why don’t you explain to me how the “premade channel” works and how you are “listening” to them.

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Okay. I am in their discord listening to their premade channel. The current premade system is pretty easy.

They start by having some scouts join various AV games to get a sense of how much time is left on the clock. When the game is approximately 5 minutes from ending, the scout reports back into the waiting for queue channel that has several hundred people waiting. They all queue for that specific AV number (not first available) and then because of Blizzard’s last fix to premades, they get put into a priority queue by waiting that 5 minutes it took for the game to end. This allows them to consistently put 30 - 35 people into the same AV lobby just like before.

Once they have several premade lobbies rolling they don’t have to use scouts anymore because the people that are rolling in the premade group can just report back to the main waiting for queue lobby when their game is about to end.

Then they just rinse and repeat.

You can go listen yourself by joining their channel: discord. gg /avpremade


This is false…believe it or not but some of us, many of us PvP strictly for fun, don’t care about titles or winning a race to kill an NPC. Fun for some of us is a 1-2hr AV where the factions fight each other, that is hard to accomplish when one faction can premade while the other can’t. Let me ask you this, would you as a premade player be willing to only go against a premade group? I HIGHLY doubt it.

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The patch made clear Blizzard was trying to prevent AV games starting empty on the Alliance-side due to premade groups dropping the queue and leaving the lobby without 30+ players at the beginning.

The latest patch had nothing to do with preventing premades, it only had to do with “unfortunate behaviors” of 30 people dropping queue and leaving the Alliance undermanned at the start of AV. This is why they removed numbers from the queue pop and prevented AV from starting without 20 players.

The new method of doing a premade no longer has this “unfortunate behavior” because everyone is required to take the queue and join the battleground to see which number they got into. No games start empty because of premades, and no “unfortunate behavior” (e.g., in the post-patch Horde meta of camping multiple graveyards and the cave without capturing any flags for 30 minutes) is occurring by Alliance premades.


If that was true, why did they change how queue for first available works? They went out of their way to break premades by pooling the hundreds of alliance who join the first available queue over a five minute period and then distribute them evenly to various games specifically and explicitly to prevent them from running premades. This is why alliance has an artificial 5 minute queue.


No one is doing AV for the PVP so keep lying to yourself.

You will never see this with the AV version that was released so stop being delusional.

I didn’t get Justicar on my retail mage by dodging premades. You realize that before x-realm BGs 95% of all WSG and AB games were premade vs premade at lvl 60? It’s also like you have no clue that rated BGs exist in retail.

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What an absolute cry baby. My daughters have more backbone than this alliance whiner.

The I Spy dude is pretty cringe too, some serious validation needs there.

“Dear Diary, today I eavesdrop on Discord and run to the forums and breathlessly report - people being people.”


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This new way results in no empty AV games with only 10 ally pugs. Problem solved