the arathi basin - just have to get to the farm or stables first and click on the flag
the AV - same deal but you have to kill NPCs on the towers first - I needed to hitch a ride with a DK to get there first.
the warsong gulch is just pick up a flag and run it to the base.
EOS I think is just the same as warsong gulch - I remember a bunch of us in the middle and just clicking on the flag in turn. I don’t really understand that bg so I probably just got lucky with my group.
I am sure there are people who got interested. I rarely PvP’d and I was forced to PvP for the legendary cloak questline and I got this all star achievement by accident and it made me more interested in PvPing after.
In other words… a bunch of %$# that neither I, nor countless other pve players, have ANY interest in doing… cool
Meanwhile, the achievement still exists for any tryhard pvp players who still want to do it. Having it removed from the holiday meta is an all around good decision by blizz, and has been overwhelmingly praised by the playerbase since it was announced.
Well thank goodness blizzard doesn’t listen to players like you, and is instead paying attention to the larger playerbase when they’re unhappy about a particular aspect of the game. This achievement has been an issue for over a decade, and should never have been included in a non-pvp meta achievement in the first place.
It’s been a long time coming, along with the multitude of other changes they’re making to the game to improve player happiness and regain our trust. Or, as you put it… “caving in to people who don’t even try” because they’d rather do what they can to keep those players, than see them unsub and uninstall the game. This may be but one small change, but this along with lots of other small changes, as well as the much bigger ones coming up in 10.0, are desperately needed to salvage the game.
Well from the looks of the comments about changes like this, you are (fortunately) in the minority. Most folks not only welcome these kinds of changes, they praise them and are encouraging blizz to go even further to bring this game back to life. In case you hadn’t noticed… the game has been hemorrhaging players for the last few expansions.
most people who play like I do, don’t come to this forum.
I actually complained about this achievement years ago as well then I just did it one day and it was not bad. The removal of this particular one doesn’t bother me but when they just give people mounts from the paragon caches when all that takes is just patience, it turns me off doing that content.
yes and part of that is because they are listening to the wrong people or at least coming up with solutions that make one group happy at the expense of the other. These changes are short term fixes that damage the game in the long term. It may not matter to you right now but if they keep nerfing people accomplishments - one day they will hit on something you worked on then you will end up questioning if working on anything is worth it.
I didn’t play Shadowlands for almost the entire first year because there literally was nothing in this expansion for me. In addition, they force feed lore now and I hate the lore in this game.
lol well unfortunately for you, lore is one of the most fundamental, key aspects of an mmorpg, it’s going to be “force fed” to you whether you like it or not due to the very nature of the genre… and yes, for years blizzard has been listening to the wrong people, primarily the tryhards, the high end raiders, and the m+ crowd, meanwhile neglecting or flat out ignoring everyone else (the solo players, the RPers, the pet battlers, the crafters, the collectors, etc) who are probably even LESS likely to chime in on the forums than players like you to offer feedback, opting instead to just leave the game entirely.
It’s the same mentality that doesn’t want student loan forgiveness no matter how much good it would do for those drowning in debt and how much good it would do for the economy and society as a whole. Life must never, ever get any better because it wouldn’t be fair to those who already lived some of it. “If I suffered you need to suffer.”
Personally, I’m in team “I suffered and I’m glad you don’t have to, because it sucked.” And yes, I got the achievement when it first came out too.
Well, at least you’ll have the satisfaction of telling your grand kids when they visit you in the Home about that one time you did a thing in a video game. I’m sure they’ll be incredibly impressed with your tale of stick-to-itiveness.
That’d be like me complaining that I hate soccer, as I’m playing FIFA 22… I suppose such people exist, but they’re certainly a strange lot if they do exist.
From the first day that achievements were released, and I looked at the requirements for that, I suspected it was going to be a horror show. And when May rolled around, yep, turned out I was correct.
I always hated it because your main competition for the achievement was your own team, not the enemy. I suggested changing it to winning those specific battlegrounds, instead of removing it. But this works too.
And I do have it, I’ve done it at least twice and I can’t remember if I finished it a third time or not. Back before mounts were account wide.
Also, anybody who uses the phrase “X is a slap to the face!” should be actually slapped in the face so they can be sure that the comparison is apt.
Hey now, some of us were complaining about it even before the first Children’s Week.
Thiiiiissss please! I’m so sad that I finally got Long Strange Trip (sadly with completing Hard Knocks like 2 days before this hotfix) but I can barely use the mount because it’s so disorienting to fly it legit makes me feel a little ill. There’s also an animation bug (shown below) with the /mountspecial animation where apparently all the drakes like the violet, including the violet itself, like to moonwalk. It is simultaneously unnerving and hilarious XD Below is the video.
Here are some forum posts about it.
@Linxy is there any chance this can get looked at?