It's That Time of the Year Again: Remove School of Hard Knocks from Children's Week Meta Achievement

I explained how but you be you

:laughing: Right!? I think that was the only the thing standing in my way!

I completed that achievement ages ago, and like the others I am glad they are removing it. It was supposed to be a challenge, back with it awarded one of the few 310 flying mounts in the game. Something that has not existed for a VERY long time.

Having challenging content is fine as long as it doesn’t inconvenience a group of people, in this case two groups. Game play should never be designed to hinder another persons game experience for any reason, and no I don’t mean it should lack challenge, I mean it should not be designed to make someone else’s experience worse.


The “Path of Glory”. The reason I may wish to have a pint with orcs in Orgrimmar, but I will never really forgive orcs, or the Horde, or Blizz itself. Some things are irredeemable.

I tried this for a decade before I stopped trying. You know why? Because everyone, no matter which side you play for, is actively trying to keep everyone they can from completing the achievement. It was a BS achievement from the get-go, and after the first year of attempting it, people from both PvE and PvP were calling for its removal, because it made this entire week suck for all involved.

I’m glad they finally got rid of it.


you should have tried it after then because it just wasn’t like that in those bgs when I did mine. All you need to do is get to the flag/base first for most of them if I recall correctly. It should be a lot easier now because with covenant speed buffs even my druid can hit the bases first.

of course you are horde as well - maybe horde is more competitive so no one would help

You’re not recalling correctly.

  • Capture the flag in Eye of the Storm
    Capturing a flag that 29 other people are also trying to capture or actively trying to keep you from capturing.

  • Assault a flag in Arathi Basin
    Meaning, the other faction has to capture it, then you can try to beat the other players to the assault.

  • Assault a tower in Alterac Valley
    Meaning the tower must be captured before you can assault it. Also, 39 other people attempting the same thing or trying to keep you from capturing it.

  • Return a fallen flag in Warsong Gulch
    Good luck being the one person to actually click on the flag to return it. That’s if it gets dropped at all.

As I said, I attempted this achievement on every class with multiple level characters for 10 years since it came out in WotLK. I’m glad you got it. You can lord it over everyone else in the game that didn’t. Congrats. It’s a sucky achievement and always has been. It’s been called to be removed from the player base since the first CW occurred in 2009.


But it’s random battlegrounds. It’s not serious pvp work. You can go in there, buff up, and stand for the most part. Be smart about it if you want as well. Go with a friend that’s a healer. If you do not have one, ask someone in the BG. You will be laughed at for asking, but that is the way of the world. If you want something that bad, you’ll get it done. No one is FORCING anything or any kind of a achievement when it’s up to the player to get it. If you can’t do pvp, or just suck at it, then no achievement or mount for you. Period. That’s asking for handouts making the achievement change. This is all opinion though…

Good, it was a miserable achievement and ruined the intent of group play.

I already got my mount years ago, so fine with it gone.


that one a bunch of people stood around the flag and we didn’t have to fight anyone - i think it was just a matter of taking turns

  1. Eye of the Storm was the easiest/quickest for me (remember that part about it being different for everyone?). I was lucky enough to get a group who gave us chances at picking up the flag. We all ran to the middle as a group and when enough enemies were cleared I clicked on the flag and got it first try. Remember that you have to take it to a base that is controlled by your faction or it won’t count. It’s all about having enough protection around you in this one.

I don’t think so I think you just needed to get to the farm/stable first

AB - Fairly straight forward compared to the others, if you have speed boost to use out of the gates you can get the Stables quite quickly. If not, there will be plenty of opportunities during the match to nab a base.

this one I know you are wrong because that is the one I got a ride with a dk and we just had to capture one tower and there was only npcs to kill

I can’t remember this one but I am sure I would have if I had a problem with it. It might be that again people just stood around the base and the people carrying it dropped it so you could take it the rest of the way.

I just checked to see what wowhead said and literally first comment

I did this achievement 1 day before it got removed from the meta lol. Despite all the comments i’ve read, it wasn’t bad at all, did it 1st try.

Did this solo in one night. I only played each of the BGs once, so its definitely not that hard as ppl think. You just gotta focus and with some luck you can get it easily done.

I have to admit: With the exception of Warsong Gulch, everything is doable within 1-2 attempts.

I got it within 5 BGs, with only doing Alterac Valley twice. Got the rest on the first try.

Funny you sound like me :slight_smile:

I cared so little for the actual achievement - I dont remember how I got it. I just cared for the meta and the mount.

For all I know I cheesed it or maybe even got it the right way

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I found alterac to be the worst one. Like you get 1 solid shot with that first tower, or you can risk it for greater success by going to the next but then you’ll have less help and open yourself to opposite side more. Legit got mine when 2-3 others were trying the same thing.

It’s good that it is removed but instead maybe blizz could add a pet to incentivize people to do it in the future (but not as major as a mount).

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And we non-pvp’ers hated having to try to complete actual pvp objectives in BGs, knowing full well that we had no idea what to do, where to go, and that we were a burden on everyone else who DOES actually enjoy pvp. It SUCKS being somewhere that you not only don’t want to be, but knowing that nobody wants you to be there either. This is a fantastic change, and long overdue.


I personally don’t know anyone that has been forced to do PVP say “Hey that was fun. I want to do more of it because I had to do it”


What I think you meant to say instead of “having people step outside their comfort zone” was “forcing people to engage in pvp when they have never & will never have any interest or desire to pvp”

When you look at the whole meta achievement, it’s 99% pve. Even the other “pvp” achieves don’t really involve actual pvp activities (you can do them without actually participating in the kills) This specific achievement was grossly out of place amidst the others & should only have ever been attached to some pvp-exclusive achievement for the pvp playerbase. Forcing pve players into content they don’t enjoy does not, and never will, encourage more pve players to get into pvp.


you can do this one without actually participating in PvP as well. I am pretty sure I didn’t for 3 of them and I can’t remember the 4th but I think I just picked up a flag in wsg.

Probably wasn’t this one, but this one is funny.


Having to capture a flag, or doing any of the other objectives IS participating in pvp by default, as the other faction is actively trying to stop you from doing so… on top of that, you’ve also got your own teammates who are trying to be the one to do it. If pvp players still want to do this achievement, they’re more than welcome to do so. It just has no place (never did) in the holiday meta achievement.


I finished ‘long strange trip’ on 2 toons. in 2009. It’s totally different game now. Not an achieve i would care to attempt these days. Not in SL anyways. Maybe thats just me not liking this expac.
but what ever.
I think its a good change. It’ll help a lot of people get ‘long strange trip’.


Even though I already completed this achievement, this is great news! I’m glad other people will get to ride around on such a neat mount.

Also could we maybe fix the camera angle bug on some of the proto drakes :smiley: