Issues with unlocking Mechagnomes

Well, at least the GM seemed to agree that it’s a bug.


No, I never talked about creating a new alli char (I find that creating an alli char to unlock an alli AR is just logical, instead of doing it from a char of the opposing faction). I was talking about the reputations because the post I was replying to was replying to another post that was talking about reputations.

According to a recent post on the CS forums you may need to get the Mechagonian Threat achievement on an Alliance character in order to unlock Mechagnomes:


That is what PTR testers have been saying. Someone needs to talk to random Blizzard employees who use their own private twitter feeds and podcasts to answer questions about upcoming content that they should most likely be sure of their answers.

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I mean, it’s not just one tweet. There have been plenty of wowhead and icyveins posts saying you can complete the requirements on Horde. Even Customer Support isn’t sure if it is a bug or intentional.

The latest CS post said:

This is what the people on the PTR have been saying.

This sounds more like a bug.

If it is deliberate it’s petty stupid and makes no sense, and has no consistency with how any other allied race has been handled.

Coming from someone who usually likes what Blizzard does or at least understands why something is done that way.

Edit - while I still think it will be lame, I also just realized mecha gnomes will be the only allied race of the 6 that were achievable from BfA content where the opposite faction can earn the required rep.

Dark iron

All require either horde or alliance characters to even have the possibility of earning the correct rep.

INB4 horde bias.

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OK… THIS FIXED IT (for me at least).

  1. (since I had everything listed as complete, except the dungeon achieve):
  2. I went and que’d up for ‘The workshop’ (the 2nd dungeon)…
  3. Just completed that (got the achievement again, on my ally toon).
  4. Now I can get the quest on my ally toon.

Hope that helps


were you already revered on that toon? I think the problem is that the final part of the achievement is gated behind a quest which requires revered to accept.

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Interesting, I will give that a try. Although…

I’d like to know too before I go ahead with this.

did you have the quest for the dungeon ?

I que’d up for the dungeon, on an ally toon that was already at Rev.
(everything in the ally toons achieve was checked off except for the dungeon)
(even tho the achieve was showing completed)…

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And I’m assuming you turned in the quest at the end of the dungeon and that’s what gave the achievement? Or was it automatic when you killed the last boss?

We’re trying to figure out if people who are not revered already and who don’t have the quest to beat the dungeon can finish the mechagonian threat.

Ah okay, thanks. The ally toon I have in question isn’t even Friendly, lols. So I’m not sure if that will work for me.

might be worth trying. worst case you get locked out until tomorrow

best case, i get to wear a diaper

Nah, best case, Azeroth will have one more vulpera extermination unit. Everyone wins in this scenario.

I will go log over and test things, and report back here.

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Alright so the big issue is that you have to repeat the rep grind on an alliance character for something that was already accomplished, without changing the requirements for the quest to be unlocked. So horde players have to repeat the bull$h!t that we did previously to do a twenty minute questline.


good luck soldier.

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Have they retuned Mechagon? Because at present its basically a raid but with only one healer and tank. Some of those boss mechanics are kind of crazy. Now that its required to kill the main boss at the end to unlock a race, maybe consider tuning it down a little?

I almost get the impression that the devs got so many complaints about how easy the other instances were and went well we’ll show you!!!