Issues with Mechagnome unlocking

Same thing here. My horde hunter has exalted rep with rustbolt and the mechagon ach but when i switch to my ally mage who is 120 it is saying she doesn’t have the ach completed. I find that a bit odd when these quests don’t exactly matter which 120 does the unlocking. Rep is checked off though.

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Can confirm the same problem. Hoping this is fixed soon.

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Same problem here.

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Reposting here:
OK… THIS FIXED IT (for me at least).

  1. (since I had everything listed as complete, except the dungeon achieve):
  2. I went and que’d up for ‘The workshop’ (the 2nd dungeon)…
  3. Just completed that (got the achievement again, on my ally toon).
  4. Now I can get the quest on my ally toon.

Hope that helps


Gonna try this and hope for the best.

Just a heads-up, they did it on an Alliance toon that was already Revered.

Yup. I’m about to test it on a toon that isn’t even Friendly yet.

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Then what on earth is the point of ever getting rep with them on a horde toon… I’m testing with a neutral toon soon.

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Josh Augustine, a Blizzard employee said in a tweet that we can- yet we’re not able to. @Jaugustine on twitter, but why?

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In response to my ingame ticket:

So ummm… yeah. We’re supposed to grind this rep… AGAIN. They’re reneging on anything they said prior. I would have grinded rep on my alliance toon and not my horde had I known this was the case. Nowhere, and I mean nowhere, did it say I’d have to grind to revered and do Machagon on my Alliance character… in fact it was specifically stated on multiple websites that the rep on my horde character would suffice. REALLY not happy with this decision by Blizz and the amount of time I need to put in AGAIN.

GAAAAHHHHHHH!!! Logging for a while to put out these fumes.


Dang, that sucks :confused:
I wish they had said something sooner because literally everyone was saying Horde could get all the requirements and unlock mechagnomes.




And the unlock scenario refers to:

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Exactly. If I have to faction change, do the quest, then immediately refund the race change I’m not gonna be happy

Imagine being a Hordie that just grinded all the needed reps/achieves for the new Mechagnomes. I was so excited for 8.3 to start my fresh Mechagnome with enchanted heirlooms, bags, and glyphs. After slowly realizing that I’d have to rep grind over again, I’ve decided I’d rather unsub and wait and see if blizz makes the Mechagonian Threat account wide. Total waste of time to get that rep again.


See, the problem with Mechagnomes is that the Rustbolt Resistance faction is a neutral faction, meaning it can be done by both factions. The only thing that makes this different from say, Vulpera, is that Vulpera along with all the other races, namely Zandalari, Mag’har, Kul Tirans, and Dark Iron, were already pre-arranged faction-specific reputations that needed no clarity on what you needed to do to aquire them, not to mention the following requirements of each race were faction-specific already. Mechagnomes, however, are not, and can be shared between the factions. For those that main both factions like me, the problem is not having capable characters to accomplish the same thing we already had done on Horde, or simply don’t have the willpower to force our way through it a second time over. Can this be fixed? As much as a quality-of-life issue it may be, this is unfair and to put it extremely, alienates a section of people from participating in a feature that was, well, featured as a main part of the patch, alongside Vulpera.


Looking forward to this so hard and being met with this I think has done it for me. It’s so much time just gone. If this is intended, then its also intended for me to unsub as well. I’m not gonna sit back and take this.

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Man I feel you, especially since i’m a frequent in Warmode which made me feeling big sad not being able to benefit from the bonus reputation WM offered for horde side due to the server faction imbalances. The thing is this is such an easy thing to fix but it’s a bit disheartening that it may still continue to be a roadblock.


Just thinking about it. Someone working at Blizz actually sat down and thought ‘Yeah, it makes sense to make them regrind rep that they’ve already done.’ Saddening but also alittle humorous. Mostly saddening

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I dunno chief, maybe it’s just destiny. I though for one, get irritated when there’s still a race i’m blocked off from and knowing I completed the requirements months ahead of time only for it to remain hollow is eh, well it’s kinda enraging. The reputation is excluded from that feeling, but the reason behind all this is because of Operation: Mechagon, which in order to finish on a faction-appropriate character, while having to make it all the way up to Revered AGAIN is just demoralizing.