Issues with unlocking Mechagnomes

I que’d up for the dungeon, on an ally toon that was already at Rev.
(everything in the ally toons achieve was checked off except for the dungeon)
(even tho the achieve was showing completed)…

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And I’m assuming you turned in the quest at the end of the dungeon and that’s what gave the achievement? Or was it automatic when you killed the last boss?

We’re trying to figure out if people who are not revered already and who don’t have the quest to beat the dungeon can finish the mechagonian threat.

Ah okay, thanks. The ally toon I have in question isn’t even Friendly, lols. So I’m not sure if that will work for me.

might be worth trying. worst case you get locked out until tomorrow

best case, i get to wear a diaper

Nah, best case, Azeroth will have one more vulpera extermination unit. Everyone wins in this scenario.

I will go log over and test things, and report back here.

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Alright so the big issue is that you have to repeat the rep grind on an alliance character for something that was already accomplished, without changing the requirements for the quest to be unlocked. So horde players have to repeat the bull$h!t that we did previously to do a twenty minute questline.


good luck soldier.

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Have they retuned Mechagon? Because at present its basically a raid but with only one healer and tank. Some of those boss mechanics are kind of crazy. Now that its required to kill the main boss at the end to unlock a race, maybe consider tuning it down a little?

I almost get the impression that the devs got so many complaints about how easy the other instances were and went well we’ll show you!!!

Its heroic now

This honestly sucks… did all the work on the Horde already. But, because we have to… see a different dialogue? We have to do it all over… sigh…

Well that sucks that the last quest is locked behind Revered reputation. They should remove all the required rep for the story to finish, considering we have to run a dungeon again to unlock an allied race. I don’t know why someone at Blizzard thinks Alliance players need to run dungeons to unlock their AR, it’s just weird.

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Alright, there are some serious shenanigans going on here.

So I went ahead and completed the Workshop portion of Operation Mechagon. No achievement popped up. However it did for someone, and…

Notice how it says I have already completed this achieve. However, after leaving the dungeon and checking, I still have the same issue.

This seriously has to be a bug. I’d really appreciate an answer from Blizz on this.

If enough horde players beg to remove the dungeon requirement altogether, I’m sure Ion will listen.

I don’t even want them to do that. The dungeon requirement is fine. This…bug, is not.

That’s not a bug, that’s how the achievement system has worked for a while. The tab tracks every achievement you’ve completed, excluding things like Feats of Strength or Legacy, not sure entirely on those. But each achievement that’s unlocked character/faction-specifically, but has been completed by the opposite faction/different character will be recorded until you complete the achievement again on the character you’re currently viewing it on.

If that’s the case, then I don’t wanna hear anything ever again about how achievements are account-wide, because clearly they are not.

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Some are account-wide, some aren’t, it’s a weird way the world works in this regard sometimes. But the original point stands, the roadblock for horde players is ridiculous.

This achievement was never account-wide. They should have told us that it was necessary to do it on a alliance char

And they told…4 days ago

That was via twitter, and even so four days isn’t enough time to get all the way up to Revered a second time only to be able to finish off the achievement AGAIN. Not to mention not everyone will unanimously share a social media outlet, that seems unfair.