Is "Elitism" getting out of hand in WoW?

I mean it’s completely valid for the best to play with the best but if they are actually grouping with randoms and being condescending that way, it’s just being toxic.

I don’t see how a true elitist would group with randoms in the first place, as we usually have people to play with that match our skill level.

“Anyone who puts more effort into being good at the game than me, because I don’t know what elitism actually is.”

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I’d agree with that and why should they? Not being rude here, I’m literally asking why would you want to being in mythicc I’m sure you understand. Obviously if you want to make friends more power to ya but would you want to bring someone into a m+ lets say just a 10 since they’re petty easy. Would you rather have someone that can carry their own weight, doesn’t wipe the group for hours on end and contributes. Or would you rather have an lfr player that’s basically doing less damage than a non warrior tank or even the healer.

As far as the requirements to get into groups nowadays, it’s their group they can require a 415 ilvl and a 2k io for all I care, I can meet those standards because I’ve put in the effort/time and have the skill to do the same content.

If I didn’t meet those requirements, I wouldn’t come on here and whine about it i’d find another group or make my own.

Right I never claimed you did anything, your the one said they would prove you earned everything, Nor did I ever assume what you were thinking.

So, don’t play with them.

People that play at a level where they need other players to be at that level (high end raiding, M+, PvP) generally understand that not all players will be or care to be as practiced with the game. There is nothing wrong with playing the game well enough that you need to have a niche of players with skills at the same level to enjoy the game.

To be honest, there are a lot of players that are actively playing WoW that aren’t actually very good at it. Most of them will never do high end content, some of the care and some don’t. The players that are doing the high end content shouldn’t have to deal with players that don’t care to play WoW well, so they make their own groups and do their own contnet.

There are quite literally players that actually aren’t good enough to do the content that high end players do. So the players that are doing the high end content are perfectly ok to discriminate who they play with.

That’s not what you said a week ago. Back up what you claimed.

I think the problem is not at high end content but in the middle of the road to lower end content.

There’s nothing wrong with being picky when it comes to mythic raiding and the highest of the M+ keys. But if someone is on the lower end trying to break into the lower end things like lower key M+ and normal/heroic raiding, and is having trouble because people are being toolbags to them, then it is a problem.

Case in point, my guildless friendless Alliance rogue on an another server who is having trouble due to lack of connections and not having the best gear. He does his quests through heroics and LFR because few people are inviting him to M0s and normal raiding. He actually happens to be on your faction and on your server specifically.

That was a question not a accusation.

Then what is a true elitist? I pug with high mythic keys all the time. How I’m defining these elitist I’m referring to the snobby a holes who think because they are 418 ilvl just acting really toxic. But I guess everyone has their own definition of elite.

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I’d say make friends, start with lower end keys and work your way up or better yet start your own groups. I’ve seen many people that suck at the game start their own group and get carried through content.

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No question marks in either post. So I think I’m about done with this. You made a claim a week ago and aren’t interested in backing it up at all. You want to run around claiming people got carried but don’t have anything yourself. If you’re only interested in making callouts like that and then backpeddling then I think we’re done here.

If the next thing in your post isn’t a direct thing you wish for me to prove, then your point of view fades into thin air.

How do you make friends specifically that will get you into the type of content you want to do though?

I know how to chat up random people but that’s about it.

Most people who develop connections and ties to me do so by joining the guild I’m in or by pugging into a guild run. I don’t really understand this “random stranger pugs = community” idea, that’s not where I learned as a new player and that’s not where I go to pay it forward as an old player.

With both this and your “punch my neighbor in the face” example, you’re talking about things people are actively doing to someone else. It doesn’t cost me anything to not punch my neighbor in the face, it doesn’t cost me anything to not be racist. On the other hand, committing my free time to running teaching/carry groups costs, well, my time. Time, effort, frustration depending on how tired I am. There’s a difference between “don’t do things that hurt others” and “actively spend your time helping others.”

Tbh if someone wants to require a 410 ilvl aotc to do a normal raid boss, I really couldn’t care less. If you don’t meet the requirements find another group that you do or like I’ve said make your own.

I don’t play with them. Clearly I’m asking the question not insinuating that this is specifically happening to me. Good players play with other good players to increase the risk for success, I get that. But to be toxic about it is problematic.

Whatever make you feel special bro. Next time put more then two sentences in there and not cheery pick a entire conversation.

Theres a solution to that. People can make their own groups at all skill levels of the game.

If you have the ability to play with better players, do it.

Sounds like they need to talk to other players and start making groups to do content.

Moon Guard is aweful to do anything above Normal Raiding on. There just isn’t much of a raiding community here, the interest of the players is focused on other aspects of the game.

I’d suggest they join a multi-server guild (Ruin comes to mind) so they can pull groups of interested players from across multiple servers.

A more permannent solution would be to server transfer to a more populated/non-RP server if they want to do higher content.

I’d say join a guild would be priority one for me, look at wowprogress and see if people actively do the content you’re looking for. Some casual guilds that are big will have active members that are interested in helping new players.
Make your own group with your key and push it as high as you can, befriend those that are close/near your skill level and push with them.

How are players playing in groups they want to play in ‘toxic’?

I’m not understanding where this accusation of toxic or socially destructive behavior is coming from. Maybe it’s back in the thread but I read the OP, the first ~5 replies, and the last ~10 replies to see where the conversation was.

Am I missing something or does it just need expounded on?

Then you stopped posting. Do you forget your past conversations? Anyways. I’m done here. Guess it’s just an empty point.