Is "Elitism" getting out of hand in WoW?

With regards to the issue of choice, yes it is. The fact of something being a free choice doesn’t speak at all to the morality of the choices made.

And advocating filtering group admission only to folks who are overgeared for the instance is going to encourage this . . . how?

Nonsense. I don’t mean you’re wrong. I just mean this is doesn’t make any sense. The nature of a PUG is that it’s a one-time thing. Saying that PUGs now are bad because they’re a one-time thing is nonsensical. They’ve always been a one-time thing.

Some people, not all people.

That’s exactly the definition of Elitist in this context.

But, refusing to allow someone into a group based solely on iLvl doesn’t allow for any determination of whether or not a player does know the mechanics but might be on an alternate toon or new on a server or any of a dozen reasons that might legitimately and not through any ignorance on the player’s part result in their iLvl not being overgeared for the run in question.

Really. That’s how one develops “connections or ties” to people you haven’t already got them with. Again, elitist - “We got ours. Go away.”

Nope. But again, you learned from someone. It’s elitist and selfish not to give back.

It’s not my job to suspend suspicions of anyone who doesn’t look like me because they’re “other” but I do it because in a civil society, we do not judge individuals based on the perceptions of the group that person belongs to - not if we’re not bigots at any rate. Also, do you not get that you are part of the playerbase? How are they going to create a connection with the playerbase if a significant portion of the playerbase refused to connect with them?

You are the game. The state it is in is determined by you. Blaming it on every other player out there except you is denial of the first order.

Ahhh !the peanut gallery has arrived.

Not how this is going to work. I want you to tell me what you’d like for me to prove. Don’t back down now!

You haven’t even cleared normal, you’re not worthy of addressing.

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Jalen dont you know that just because you were in all the kills and progress leading up to whatever AotC you got doesnt mean you werent carried.

People get pretty desperate to try and make…whatever the hell point theyre trying to make


Whatever you say you want to prove. prove it.

So are you backpeddling? You claimed that I got carried. I’m asking for you to tell me what I got carried in.

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Finally you get it.

Just going to chalk that guy up to trolling, lets all get him a vaca from it, he obviously has too much time on his hands.


do people wake up in the morning, roll over, and think “I’m gonna be ridiculous on a video game forum today”

I mean… mission accomplished, I guess?


I guess we gotta prove our mettle to the illiterate LFR raider, now.

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Gimmie a moment Wuzeh! Let me work!

Name calling is so beneath you.

but can you prove you’re working?

prove it.

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I’m sure McDonalds can provide a pay stub later if he needs to prove it.

Sorry, that was harsh. But it was such a good opening for a joke.

It’s not name calling. I’m not allowed to get colorful on these boards.

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I wouldn’t say that’s name calling and more pointing out a character flaw.


Wow. Rude.

I wouldn’t say total anonymity. Anyone can be found online.

I never bought a run in my life I said my friend was charging me to run. This was a one time encounter that I never went through in fact, it offended me. I work 72 hours every two weeks sometimes I work 55 hours per week. With that said, why would I pay my hard earned money to buy mythic key runs? Never! Every piece of gear I have on I earned through hard work.