Stop throwing gear around and rewarding mindless play

What is wrong with people having pride in things they feel like they worked for to earn?

Yeah it’s been like that throughout wow at least from what I can remember.

You can’t really prove you didn’t get carried or buy a run tbh, there’s an addon that fakes achievements.

So bring up another topic from what I said.

Let me ask you this. Why do you want heroic and mythic raid level gear?

To clear those world quests faster

I mean. It’s kind of odd for a player that only does LFR to ask for someones papers on whether or not their run was legit.


Better yet any casual player, answer me this.

Why do you want heroic or mythic ilvl loot?

#1Mythic gear is more unique/better looking
#2I like shinies
#3I like deeps
#4Although it isn’t required to prog heroic raid I still want it since it’s available but I don’t want to work for it

I was embodying a casual there as close as I could get at least.

I mean I have a little proof Im good at what I do at the game, I have allot of gold, I have almost all armor sets 53/57 armor in the game I have over 371 mounts no recruit a friend either . I dont ask for special armor or rewards for what i have accomplished. 961 battlepets, All heirlooms at 120, pretty much all my accomplishments could be proven i did on my own and not carries

I want to know from a real casual why they need heroic/mythic/glad ilvl loot? For what use.

Again prove you weren’t carried. Or paid for a Achievement.


You don’t get to decide what the end-game is for other people. For some people, World Quests are the end-game because they have no interest in raiding or PvP. They get to level cap, and then that’s it.

Either way, this gear exists as a catch-up mechanic, so that those people who are coming into the expansion for the first time, or those who are returning after an absence, can easily get their character geared so they can participate in 8.2 content, rather than having to grind their way to that gear level by doing obsolete content.



because the skilled, non-mindless content will reward gear that far exceeds measley 430 gear…

Example is currently in 8.1.5, the max ilvl that world quests offer is item level 400, but the max ilvl that raiding offers in Crucible of Storms is 420.

So not sure why’d you complain about measley 430 gear for those who don’t raid, when those who do raid can acquire 450 ilvl gear.

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That vendor doesn’t really matter, it may give out 430 stuff or w/e but it’s like a vendor and will take time. The mythic ilvl is like 445 so there isn’t a huge gap either though.

You’re arguing with people whose arguments boil down to: “Gearing why I play WoW. Stop letting the casuals gear up after all the content is old :rage: . It’s cutting into carry sales”

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You’re a collector. Which is fine. All of those things are cosmetics. What isn’t cosmetic though is gear progression. Most of those things are just time consuming. Clearing hard content is not only time consuming, but requires skill and coordination to get done.

Patches last for 6-8 months? I had to do that content? Why should someone else be able to skip it? World quest being end game content explain to be why they need heroic ilvl loot to do world quest ?

My raiding history is mostly going back and doing those raids on my own after an expansion has passed you faild to bring up none of new raids were done yet since you were checking me. Again i proved my case.

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