And finally their burst will be nerfed even more. MM hunter and streamers are pushing the agenda that hunters a C tier. Well let me tell you something, hunters have the most ridiculous burst in the game.
Aim shot must be reduced by 50%
Chakram must be reduced by 25%
Rapid fire reduced by 25% an un reapplicable before 1min regardless of talent tree
MM does way too much burst on lower armor targets is the problem, but then they have explosive to compensate for that and can stack it with an aimed+rapid fire. The problem is Blizzard needs to not let them stack 2-3 of those at once.
You can dispel explosive shot and at best they can stack 2 but they go off at seperate times the damage doesn’t stack. Atleast 2 on 1 target anyways.
Its been going on 4 weeks. Jelly even tweeted @devs prior to AWC so he could play MM and it still wasn’t fixed.
Not that should given priority. But you would think one of the best mm hunters saying yo my craps broken pls fix would gain a bit more noticeable attention to it from blizzard end.
Given everything I been catching bits off with forced RTO and ppl quitting maybe they really dont have the staff to fix stuff rn
Only time i get 150k aimed shots is on undergeared or pve geared targets in bgs. 100k sure. Also my largest crits are killshots with everything proced and only on soft targets. Aka clothies with no defenses up.
Healer dispel has CD and very few can self-dispel, I can tell you that healers don’t often dispel it. You can stack 3 within the same GCD with how fast rapid fire goes it’s all basically the same time for a GCD. It all just lines up too well and health just gets absolutely chunked - and you can’t kick any of it.