I'm not buying the "meaningful choices line"

Covenents aren’t meaningful.


It’s all about this:


Expansions are developed 2-3 years in advance, and that includes the systems that they include such as Torghast, conduits, etc…

(Masterloot was removed a long time ago, try to keep up. We’ve been using Personal Loot for an entire expansion now!)

Nothing’s been changing on a dime, but has been discussed to death both internally and here on these forums. Just try starting a topic about guild housing.

You’re more casual than you think for not even stepping into M Nya at the end of the expansion, or is this your alt?

What you are saying is because bad players cant do well, they need to stack broken classes to beat encounters, I cant wait for shadowlands for many of those tryhards to rage because meta/fotm wont carry them as much since they cant change to be optimal anymore : )

Also nobody cares about epeen mode, blizzard does good enough balance to allow all specs to do 15-20s and mythic

No, this is what you are saying.

You can’t wait for the game to change so that lots of people who you’ve never met and never will meet will suffer.

That’s a you problem.


This is incorrect. They have solo content for those who enjoy it or perhaps don’t have a lot of time. But they have mostly group content. This is still very much an rpg with a ton of facets in the game to reflect that.

The problem is the people in charge butcher it because they have this mentality that they know best with taking ZERO feedback, which is what happened in BfA, which is to date the worst expansion ever released. They had this arrogant mentality and it blew up in their faces. Watching interviews it really seems Ion was humbled tremendously and he doesn’t come off as some pompous dbag who thinks he knows everything.

Last expansion they claimed they didn’t get a lot of feedback, which was complete bull. They just ignored it. They NEED to take feedback this cycle because if they deliver another garbage expansion, the game is dead.


No, this is what he is saying:

So once again, I’d like to thank Ralph for letting us know exactly why this trash system just isn’t going to work.

Thanks Ralph, you’re the best.


Nope. People will just quit.


A good way to avoid this would be to share your knowledge of game design with the community.

What is it that you think I want. I merely stated that I don’t believe the line they’re feeding us and gave reasons why.

Also, everyone who is part of this game has a right to an opinion.


The community will leave just like it did in wod and first half of bfa and legion. You have no idea how many multi year guilds have died since the end of mop.


adapt or leave


Are you kidding? There’s always some loser linking the DPS meters in LFR. Low DPS = KICK!

And I just wanted to scratch some baddies. SMH.

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Where did I say I wasn’t casual? I have raided mythic before sure, but not since the first tier. I was gonna bring that up, since people are assuming I’m an elitist who’s trying to invaladate every casual players opinion. :man_shrugging:

You didn’t include yourself in your post. In fact, the first time that you wrote the words “we” was when you began to be condescending.

Yep. I was trying to avoid having to read another dozen posts stating the obvious, but it does appear condescending. I should have left that part out, since it was clearly futile. Live and learn right?

Well, saying the word gap implies that no middleground or grey area (which i guess that means LFR and Mythic only exists by implying this way), it’s on a spectrum. It’s not “Your either hardcore or your not”, it’s much more nuanced then that.

From a perspective as a somewhat casual, i can’t see removing things as a good thing, like reforging for example. I loved Reforging because it allows me control over my gear and where to allocate my stats, if i want more hit, i’l gladly do that. More RPG’s need something like that really, something that truly makes a gear you have yours that isn’t just enchanting and so on, while also making it powerful.

Marketing hype.

I don’t know, i seen plenty of choices to be made during my 8 years of playing WoW.

Being casual doesn’t mean your automatically alright with something.

Lets not associate those two things together like that, because you don’t have to be a casual to dislike or like anything, and in the same way with hardcore. From my opinion, I dislike the idea of easily swapping covenants, but i dislike the idea of perma locking it for the entire expansion, (because this isn’t true single-player mind you). I like the compromise that Blizzard set out where you can leave and rejoin enough, but it will be long ways up to get back to the point you were before.

People can care whatever they may please.

It’s just another blizz catchphrase, which typically get thrown out when they try to put a positive spin on changes they think will be unpopular.


Don’t mind me

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I’m fine with the changes. It’s like choosing your class and spec. It’s not even like they lock you into your choice. If you want to switch, you can.

The only thing that needs to happen is proper balancing so that no single covenant is good at everything, even within a single game mode.


I mean this is the stickler. Blizzard have NEVER managed to balance a “different but equal” style of power. They failed with Legiondaries, they failed with Azerite Traits, they failed with Essences, they failed with Corruptions.

So what you’re saying is that Covenants are Morally Grey?

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