I'm banned and I wasn't online

Oh wait I forgot hormygorilla when did that change

The rules have never changed. We have never been allowed to use sexual references, innuendo, profanity, masked profanity, etc. Not since 2004. If reported, that can get an account action.

Again, I REALLY don’t think that is what this is about.


I thought hormy meant a forest creature

So you’ve gone from “I didn’t name it that’s the name it came with” to “when did it change to Hormygorilla” to “I thought Hormy meant forest creature” (and a quick google has me wondering how in the world you’d get that idea).


deviantar sirhanselot/art ForestGuardian449547855

That’s my friends photo he told me his name was hormy

Just stop it already. You’ve already been caught lying. It’s Friday and you need to find something better to do.


I’m not lying I forgot I changed the name of the pet years ago there’s a difference

Folks, the argument about the pet name is really not important.

  • It is unlikely that is what caused the penalty. This is a chat penalty, not a name penalty.
  • It does not matter WHY the OP named it that, they can change it next time they are in game now that they know they should.
  • Beating the name issue into the ground does not address the topic -

The only answer here is that the OP needs to wait on their ticket, or for a Blue to clarify what chat policy was broken.


Just admit if you named it something inappropriate mate. It’s juvenile yeah, but we’re not going to judge you if you say ‘yeah I stuffed up and named it something crude’ (well, anyone reasonable won’t)

I’m saying this because if you’re looking for help on why you may have gotten the ban, it helps us if you’re truthful.

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Hormy is a forest creature monster

deviantar sirhanselot/art ForestGuardian449547855

This is the creature look it up on google

I feel like this gone waaaaay off track. I don’t know how to report pets, but it isn’t on the forums.


It’s a Forest guardian I can’t prove my friend made that art as well and that it’s a creature he has called it

Yes, it has. I think it’s time to lock this one up.


That doesn’t matter, it can also be masked profanity. Next time you’re in game just change it to something more appropriate.

It’s highly unlikely that that is what caused this issue anyway.


well I’m banned I can’t get into game at this moment I have to be unbanned and yes I will 100% change the name when I’m unbanned

That doesn’t appear to be entirely accurate. You’ve had multiple warnings previously starting with a couple in December of 2022, then a couple more in 2023 and finally with two this year, the last resulting in the closure of the account.

Understand that penalties are not instant, the reports they result from may be from days or weeks prior. From what I can see from this last one you were online on 5/26 and were reported for some chat in General Discussion where you were calling another disparaging names along with using profanity. I also see some colorful chat on the 16th.

Social penalties tend to start out small, a silence at first, but in order to help dissuade the behavior that turns to suspensions of game time in increasing amounts until finally the account is closed. That isn’t what we want to happen, obviously, but at a certain point that is where it leads.


I’m not sure how it was the 26th when during the 26th i was moving to Mayfield and my computer was off during this time bc I was moving to Mayfield

Fyi Blizz has logs showing when you logged in to the exact minute and second. Plus they log IPs (to help with telling if someone is hacked). Either way arguing with Vrak won’t help, you need to appeal (unless they’ve told you no more appeals will be accepted)


Yes I understand that but how can it be possible bc most time I use my druid

The time is in UTC, so would be 5/26 3pm PDT.

The IP used is consistent with what had been logging in for about a week prior.