I'm banned and I wasn't online

I am banned I was offline a week before the ban then I check see if I can get on 4 days ago and I was banned with no warning or anything no chat restrictions no suspension or anything email said mutable people reported me but I know people on the game that will defend me on this and not sure why I’m banned they probably reply to this post if I say something about it but I just need too understand why people report players who haven’t been online bc Im in process of moving and 4 days ago I was checking my computer getting it ready so I went to try log in and it says I’m banned not sure why and so messaged support I’ve gotten no reply In 4 days 5 days now maybe

First of all you should try the customer support forum, not the general chat. We can’t do much for you here.

Second of all, it could have been for something you did before your break.


A few things:

  1. account actions are often delayed from the conduct that generated them. It takes time for GMs to review player reports, and decide if a penalty is warranted.
  2. You should have received an email with the general category of your suspension, check your inbox (and possibly spam filter).
  3. Generally, you aren’t supposed to discuss disciplinary actions on the forums, but I’d move the post to CS so the blues there can offer some clarity (and the rule isn’t enforced as much there).
  4. The only thing you can do is appeal via a ticket. (which will result in a different person checking for errors, but is always a good idea since penalties stack).

Bans can sometimes takes weeks to happen it might have been something you did a month ago. People can defend you but that doesn’t change the fact others reported you for doing something wrong, so wrong blizz went straight to banned over suspension. Best you can do is wait for the reply on the appeal.


Thank you I sent in a support thing

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Better thing would have been to move this thread, as you’ll get a lot of very bad advise and incorrect info on GD.


How do I do that

It’s under the edit post menu, you’ll have the option to change the board from GD to CS.


That one or did I mess it up

Post is now where it should be. Hopefully Vrak or Orlyia can give you some clarification after arriving at the office in the morning.

Edit: you should probably delete the 2nd, as double posting is frowned upon.


Thank you so much for helping me really appreciate it


You’ll want to have another look at your e-mail – as Cäpslöck mentions, this e-mail should had roughly explained why you were actioned.

Account actions may also follow compromises, in order to mitigate damage caused to your account, and to the game environment.

Send an appeal. The e-mail will outline the process.

First, as others have said, this could have resulted from something you did days, weeks, or even months ago. When a report goes in it takes time for a GM to review the data and decide if the report is warranted.

Account actions are applied using a penalty volcano. From a squelch for first time chat violation up to and including account closure for more serious violations. Chat violations, naming violations, exploiting, botting, any of these things can put a black mark on your account and they never drop off. If you’ve EVER had an account action for anything, each future account action puts you higher on the volcano and will be taken into account and can result in harsher penalties.

It doesn’t matter how many people defend you. Blizzard will not rely on anyone’s word, screenshots, videos, etc. They only go by data that is provided in their logs.

Your only recourse is to submit an appeal. A link and or instructions should be in the email you received.


It’s a very common misconception that bans are for something that just happened. Investigations take time. It can be from something days (this is usually how long chat investigations take), weeks, or even months ago (investigations for things like bots and exploits take quite a bit longer, they aren’t black and white like chat violations).


I checked I’ve gotten no suspension warning or even chat restrictions I was banned and there’s nothing I could’ve did weeks before bc I don’t get on often I’m not on daily and I barely talk to anyone besides couple friends

A suspension does not require those things. If you are reported by fellow players then that can get escalated to a GM for review. It captures the name, server, chat channel, and chat logs.

If a GM feels the chat logs show chat that is not appropriate for the game, they can issue a penalty. What penalty you get depends on your account history. ANY infractions since 2016-ish count against the account. So you may have a past short silence you don’t remember.

Keep in mind that it can take time to review reports. Squelch is fast for some spammers, but GM issued suspensions can come days, or even longer after the violation.

If you feel it was a mistake, the only way to appeal it is via ticket. So hopefully you did that.


I’ve appealed for a ticket 5 days ago and I haven’t got a reply back even my friends decided to make a appeal about my ban and they said they haven’t gotten a reply back either

They should close their tickets please. Nobody can appeal on your behalf. Blizzard will only deal with the registered account holder, nobody else. It is admirable you have the support of your friends, but right now they are clogging up the ticket system.

  • Blizzard only deals with the account holder (registered name on the account).
  • Blizzard only uses their own server logs as “evidence”
  • Blizzard will only accept appeals via that appeal ticket you filed.
  • There is no way to speed up the process by posting on the forums, social media, etc.

I am sorry, but you really do need to wait on your appeal ticket. If you got a ticket number, then it should be in queue properly.


I’ll see but I can’t make them do anything and the email says I got reported by mutable people abusive language that’s all it says it doesn’t say what I’ve said or anything else no links to find out what I’ve said or anything

I know. The penalty system used to give you at least a snippet of the reported chat to remind you of what was going on when you got reported. It seems to have broken and they don’t include that information in the penalty email anymore :frowning: That is something Blizzard realizes is broken and not at all helpful. It only generates more tickets asking “why”. Hopefully they can get that fixed and start giving folks at least some of the actioned text.

Abusive Chat - is not just profanity, masked profanity, slurs, hateful speech, insults, sexual inuendo, etc. It can be abusing the chat system - spam and advertising fall under that. Some folks forget they have a macro on when using a skill for example, If it annoys enough other players they may report it for spam. You would still get the “abusive chat” category if penalized.