Shadowlands purchase created account in new region

It is rare that anyone says “no one can help you”, at least that I’ve seen. Nor have I seen where someone says this is a player-to-player only forum.

What they generally say, depending on the issue, is this may be wrong channel for that kind of support and that they need to submit a ticket/or wait for their ticket to be answered. They clarify that a blue response is in no way guaranteed and that they otherwise need to follow the appropriate steps for whatever their issue is. That is assuming is it an issue that our Support staff can help with.

The folks posting here, outside of the SFA’s, don’t work for Blizzard and they are under no obligation to phrase their replies a specific way.

I would like it a great deal if I could rewrite some of the responses that I’ve seen over the years to convey a bit more empathy, understanding, and maybe a bit more clarity in direction. However, every single person posting here has a right to express themselves the way they wish, as long as it abides by our Code of Conduct and policy guidelines.

So you jumped in here to dispute a statement “There are no GMs on this forum”, which is technically a thread derailment, and when challenged on what you said versus what seems to be an ever-evolving definition of what you meant, you decide you’d rather just take your ball and go home?

Alright. O.o