I'm banned and I wasn't online

How can I even do that If I’m a solo person the only person Ive hung around is one of my good buddies and we are a pvp duo

Moon Guard

  • Do you have RP addons? Do you have any info in your bio there, or that you typed there, that is not appropriate? Did you report anyone else for using inapropriate language/topics in the addon?
  • Did you /say anything, emote anything, or macro text output to anything during your PvP matches? Spamming takes many forms. Even if you are directing your chat to your friend, if others can see it they can report it. Keep that in mind.

Again though, this needs to be handled via ticket. Mistakes happen, so hopefully if that is the case they get to you soon.


No I don’t use add-ons I don’t use anything really I use elite frame that only makes the frame look cool yk how the guards have the elite frame dragon that’s all I use

How often do you summon a certain non-combat pet. Seems mispelled to me, probably a grey area that did not make the GM cut.

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I don’t use pets I’m a druid

He’s talking about your battle pet, in your collections. You have a Grumpling in your first battle-pet slot that can be reported, even if it is a “misspelled” version of an inappropriate term, but I highly doubt that would get you permanently banned from the game.


I don’t change the name

Well, your first pet slot grumpling does have a name that violates the rules for sexual innuendo. Blizzard did not name that grumpling that. That is a player choice.

I doubt that is what this is about though.


That’s the name of the pet

You can keep saying that if you want but if a GM gets involved, they’re not going to be impressed, and neither are the mods if they see this. A back-and-forth is pointless over a pet name, though. All you can do with your current situation is wait for your appeal.

You were, however, warned about the pet name.


You created that name of the pet. That is not the default name from Blizzard.

The default name is “Grumpling”. The name you gave it is “H___ygorilla”. Which is a masked sexual reference. Again though, I doubt that is what this is about. That is super mild and unlikely to be reported.

Even if it was, I don’t think it would result in a Language violation. It would be a naming violation.


No I didn’t I didn’t name the pet that that’s the name blizzard called it look it up

I looked it up and it appears you’re lying.


Blizzard doesn’t randomly name Non Combat Pets. That pet’s name is Grumpling when you acquire it.


Yes told u I’m right

Nope. You named it that name. And when the mods do come in, there will be tears.


Granted, I was just spitballing on the name. My guess only. Wait for the appeal.

But as mentioned, that is not the game name for the pokeman. Someone renamed it. Anyone else have access to your PC?


I am sorry, but you are not right. The name Blizzard gave it was “Grumpling”. The name the player on the account gave it was different and is sexual innuendo. If you did not do that, someone else on your account did. We are not allowed to share accounts.

Forumcat has the right link. The name is “Grumpling”. That is not what yours is called.


I didn’t touch the name of that pet it’s the actual name of when I acquired it look up the pet

Forumcat already did. The name of the pet is Grumpling.

YOURS was given a name by someone on your account.

Again though, I don’t think that is what this penalty is about.