I'm banned and I wasn't online

I don’t see what that’d have to do with you moving to Mayfield and/or them knowing when you said XYZ in chat at ABC time.

I’m tryna figure out like is it still possible to be unbanned that’s my main question I’ll change pet bc I don’t be on alot

In that case you need to use your ticket/appeal. You’ve been told why you were banned, this thread has no purpose toward anything else really.

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And there it is as usual. The person swears to infinity and beyond that they have no idea what could have happened, only to end up being exposed for having a rap sheet a mile long.

It’s possible, but only if your appeal ends up overturning it. Otherwise, you really are wasting your time sitting here in the forums. This is not helping you at all and is only drawing attention to other actionable components of your account, such as your pet name. Just wait on the appeal dude. That is all there is to it.


Then, I am glad I am wrong.

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How does this even happen when I wasn’t on thought is what I’m tryna figure out

Bans don’t happen when you’re online, as you’ve been told.

If you mean you weren’t on when Vrak said you are…well Blizzard knows when you were online. And this is why you don’t get to communicate beyond asking for an appeal and then getting the answer in your ticket, there’s no point arguing or trying to present other evidence.

Blizzard goes by their logs, nothing more and nothing less really.


So someone was on my account during that time?

Someone was online in the exact location you were playing from a week prior.

It was either you or (logically) a family member/someone in the same house who somehow had your login then.


According to what Vrak posted, yes, and they were at the exact same location you had been play- oh you beat me to it


My sister has gotten on my account before and my gold has gone missing mutable times

This has nothing to do with a pet, it has to do with chat violations as I mentioned originally.

An appeal generally looks for an error, and I can definitely see inappropriate chat lines so I don’t know how likely it would be to be overturned. You’ll have to wait for your appeal.


Even if you were able to demonstrate that, I don’t think it would matter. It is your responsibility to secure your account.


Unfortunately, that’s between you and your sister. Unless it’s somehow a case of she was hacking you then you’re responsible for your account info and how it behaves.

Hence why account sharing is a no-no, they don’t account for cases of a family member mucking up, it’s on the account holder.


But idk how to secure my account

It’s becoming difficult to believe that you’re being serious. You could try not sharing your passwords and maybe… locking your computer?


Simple, don’t tell others your password and have an authenticator (spelling?.


I leave my blizzard net on my computer the one that u have to download I always kept that on when I was sleeping

Then you need to lock your computer via a password and/or require the Blizzard app to be logged into whenever someone opens the desktop.

Either way, this isn’t considered in appeals, it’s purely down to you because Blizzard can’t account for family/home drama (and frankly it’s not their job to).


I sleep during the hours of 11am to 7 pm bc I work midnight