If Kul Tiran were instead Ogres

If its the one from ardenweald i agree sinse they are more High res than the old one. And have customisation. And would be perfect druid

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Neither does the Horde, but Alliance players keep trying to push them on us…

Well, they have a fairly robust set of lore behind them. Especially AU Ogres.


Ogres are some of the OGs of Warcraft.

I played a Half-Ogre Mercenary in DAOC for a period of time and there’s just something fun about playing a “power lifter” body type who can just truck someone. Tauren are okay but it isn’t the same - their animations lack those big overhand smashing blows that Ogres have.


It’d be hard to make it work, but I think doable.

Prior to the Horde, the Ogres and Orcs were bitter enemies. Group of Ogres encounters something that restores their high imperial age intelligence, some Kajamite variant or maybe the Ogri’la thing, they blame the Orcs for what happened to Draenor, wipe out of major Horde settlement or route an attack on the Alliance, and war’s strange-bedfellows effect takes over.

Weirder, less justified things have happened.

Still, problem with Ogres is they’ve been supersized beyond all reason. They’re not, “large enough to take on a mounted knight” big. They’re “blot out the noonday sun with their buttcheeks” big. The largest playable races/models compatible with the general gameworld would amount to dinky, shimpy, midget ogres. Would that be enough? For some, sure, but for many, it would be a ruinous letdown, whatever faction gets them.

Oh please, Horde fans have been asking for Ogres since Vanilla. You do realize the Ogres were Horde in Warcraft 2 right?


Gosh, a post from almost 2 years ago with 18 replies.

High Elves for Alliance and Ogres for Horde have been big on MMO-Champion for a long time. Just because Blizzard shuts down threads here doesn’t mean people don’t want them.


As someone with a KT, I’d have one less toon if they’re been ogres instead.

There is horde and there is vulpera player. Lots of horde player want ogre. I dont find the appeal but hey some people do


You do realize that I just picked that at random right?There have been literally hundreds of threads about Ogres over the years. Sure they never had the same fanactism as say asking for high elves but as an OG race of the Horde they are one of the major races ask for:



[citation needed]


They should have been unlockable cosmetic options for humans. I feel this way about most allied races. Orges would have been a bust for Alliance in my opinion. There is just not a lot of love for that body type and the females need some work, that flat butt needs help.

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Oh, the thread where almost half the posts are from one guy, and most of the rest are alliance?

Yeah, okay.

I love it when Alliance players try and lecture me about what Horde players want. :roll_eyes:

Playing Horde.

A lot.

Mate I’ve been playing Horde since 2004 and ogres have been one of our longest and most popular requests along with forest trolls and, previously, goblins.


You know having alliance character on forum doesnt mean people dont play both Horde and alliance right

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Well then join me in advocating for Ogres for Alliance, and you can play an Ogre during your Alliance time.

Or just leave them non-playable, which is the far more sensible route given the many problems with large character models in this game.

I wont cause I dont like the appeal in ogre at all. Except if its a joke race and its controled by 2 player (1 movement other skills) cause they have 2 head.

But at the same time they would need visual rework cause they still use old ugly model for most so its hard to compared to actual playable race

Nobody does, except as something other people would play.

Look at one in town when somebody else is playing one? Sure, people are all on board. Actually play one themselves? LOL nobody’s interested.