If Kul Tiran were instead Ogres

I do. I’d be very happy to get them playable on Horde, since we already have multiple ogre clans in the faction.


Lots of people does.

Blood elves and Vulpera player dont. But are they really Horde

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And you wonder how I can tell the Alliance players from the Horde players.

It’s not just the character portrait. It’s what they say.

/Spritzes water on Brewa


Well if you don’t want 'em, we don’t want 'em.


Well you a vulpera portait so you chose to be a meme.

Out of my 30 character none is vulpera

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I mean, from my point of view its the same with Gnome, Dwarf, Troll, or Undead. I don’t want to play as any of those races but I’m happy they exist.

Speaking for myself, I could very easily see myself leveling up an Ogre at least once to do their heritage armor. Would I play it long-term? I already have 2 60 Shaman as well as various misc Shaman at different levels, so I probably would not main it, but not everyone is in my exact boat.

Heck, if we had Ogres added to the game right now, I’d rather have leveled up an Ogre Mage rather than Dark Iron Dwarf Mage. Yuck. I hate small races. I raided SoO as a Dwarf and that was about as much as I was willing to stomach, the only reason I’m doing Dark Iron Dwarf was it was either that or Vulpera when it came to unlocking new heritage armor while also leveling up Mage.

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It’s the semi naked Kul Tiran bears running around town that ruined it for me.

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I feel attacked :bear:


(post deleted by author)

Ogres are the most beautiful race in Azeroth and should be a playable race of the Horde for that reason. Ogres are already a part of the Horde in the lore.



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I for one would love Ogres, but on the alliance they just wouldn’t make any sense and the collect scream of confusion would be heard on Mars.

100% yes, they would have been more popular. Now, would they have been the most popular race in the Alliance? Definitely not. But they would have probably been as popular as the Gobelins in the horde IMO. And even if they had not been popular, their presence would have brought a lot more to the alliance that the Kul Tirans did.


An Ogre race would of swayed me to switch to Alliance. The customization features for Kul Tiran should of just been added to Humans.


Improved the town though!

Better or worse than the Belfs?


That mega thread has at least 200+ likes with a sea of red.

Again, why would we advocate to add a race that was never part of the Alliance and has historically been part of the Horde? That would be like asking for the trolls or goblins to become playable.

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Use the same model hordeside and give us the ability to transmog a 2nd ogre head.

Is that something unique to the Stonemaul?


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Not as far as I know, having a 2nd head as an ogre was considered a rare blessing and 2 headed ogres were often more intelligent and had an aptitude for arcane magic.

Guldan created a few with magic elven runestones.