IE kick threats/blackmail

So others have reported it, but it just happened to me.

My queue for IE pops and I’m immediately threatened with being kicked if I don’t make it worth their while.

I report the threat with the in-game tool, but is this actionable? It seems like serious harrassment/blackmail to me.

While it a pretty crappy thing to do, I don’t think they are violating any rules. People can be kicked for whatever reason the party wants.


Except that I’ve tried to vote to kick previously, and it makes me wait 3 minutes after the IE has started.

I got kicked before we got off the boat.

I do think this is violating the rules of harassment myself.

How exactly were you supposed to make it “worth their while”? Were they demanding gold? If so, I’d still report that. While a group can indeed kick you, they won’t be up to it for long. Groups that join together and then kick people are usually subjected to longer kick penalties. Meaning, they might get a couple of kicks in, but then they’ll be on a cool-down before being able to kick again.

The only way to reduce that cool-down is to have kick-free runs :slight_smile:


I would agree with Thundertotem here.

It certainly isn’t something that we condone, but why a vote to kick is initiated or passes is not a factor. They may opt to initiate a vote to kick for any reason they wish, or no reason at all.

I’m not entirely certain what that would mean, as you aren’t able to trade with anyone in a dungeon, raid or scenario unless they are from your realm. The only thing you could trade would be summoned items or items that drop and eligible for trade.

I will say that we have seen a number of complaints with interactions players have had in Island Expeditions, so there certainly is room for improvement. I’d highly recommend submitting any feedback/suggestions through the in-game interface option located in the help menu or by posting in the Dungeons, Raids and Scenarios forum with any suggestions you may have on how you’d like to see the Vote to Kick option work for Island Expeditions.

I know there are some restrictions in normal dungeons and raids, but I’m not sure what they are for these scenarios. Did you just get out of combat? I’ll see if I can hunt down some specifics to see if that is a bug or not.


The IE hadn’t even begun.

We were still on the boat.

It really OUGHT to be impossible to kick someone that is randomly put with you before you’ve even left the boat.

I will continue to petition these things because if Blizzard isn’t going to fix it, the least they can do is waste time like I am on their broken system.

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Submitting tickets won’t change it, and it will get to a point where the GMs will tell you to stop. If you wanna see a change, post in General Discussion where the devs will see your concerns.


And you will eventually be actioned for Game Master harassment. I would highly suggest that you post where Vrak told you to if you would like to see a change. Putting in tickets is not going to change anything as Game Masters can not change policy or go against it.


My experience in business is that people listen to their own people’s complaints a lot more than they do their customers.

If GMs report that they’re getting these petitions and wasting time on it, Blizzard is more likely to listen to that than to customers. Their track record on this sort of thing isn’t exactly stellar.

Abusing the ticket system is most unwise.


That isn’t how it works. If you want to make a suggestion there are ways to do that, and those were given to you. Opening tickets is NOT one of those ways. Again if you continue to do it you will open yourself up to account action for harassment.

Not sure why you are arguing about this, you have a Blizzard employee telling you how to submit the suggestion if you have an issue with it. As it stands it is working as intended and a GM will not be able to change that, or put in a suggestion for you.


I am reporting what I believe abuse is. I don’t consider that abusing the ticket system.

It is if you continue to do so once Blizzard asks you to stop. I’d take heed of the advice given in this thread already, especially from the Blizzard employee.


Don’t come crying here then if you do get actioned


Yeah, well, you don’t get to make that determination. I have seen many times posters coming back here when the GM told them to stop or account actions will happen.


there are already changes to island expeditions going in next tuesday, based on player feedback. these changes are aimed at curbing behavior like vote kicking. so i’d suggest your take is wrong.


Your experience aside, Walburgha, our system is set up to take feedback from players. Your case is not going to be made by a Game Master, the only thing that will happen is that you will delay our staff from being able to reach folks that need their assistance.

While ignoring anything that I’ve stated to the contrary. I understand you are frustrated, but that is simply willful disregard of official direction on how to proceed.

As I mentioned, It doesn’t matter what the reason is they are opting to use the vote to kick system.

Also, you can only trade with players from your own realm, so the “threat” is not really a viable one assuming they are not actually from your realm. They are choosing to remove you because that is what they want to do. They are engaging with you and making that threat either because they are trying to rattle you or they are uninformed. Either way, they can opt to remove for any reason or no reason, it is not considered harassment.

If they were using inappropriate language when interacting with you, then you should use the right click report option and report for language. That is the only content that would be reportable.

I also mentioned that I was looking into the conditions on initiating a vote to kick, which may or may not be considered a bug, that you seem to have ignored.


And condoning this kind of behaviour is what is making it more prevalent across all content. This make the game less friendly for persons who choose not to join guilds and/or have no friends to group with. People are kicking others just get their jollies and it’s ok with blizzard because it’s a vote system and they don’t need a reason.

Yay voting systems are fun!

On a more serious note, nothing can be done. There is no work around, there is no loophole. It’s simply part of the game. The best you can do is ignore the toxicity and Q up again. /moo

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It isn’t condoned, Ahndrumon, but neither is it technically against policy. We simply aren’t able to micromanage social interactions to that degree. It just isn’t feasible to weigh in on countless dungeons, scenario and raid runs to figure out why a person was removed and if such removal was justified.

The Vote to Kick system isn’t perfect, but it has helped to address a lot of the negative situations that used to happen. The positives of the system since it has been implemented have far outweighed the occasional negative when someone opts to be a jerk.

If you feel you have an idea of how to do it better, without the need for Game Masters to step in and micromanage social interactions, feel free to post over in the Dungeon, Raid and Scenario forum.