Dungeon deserter abuse?

Kicks can be for any reason, and they will result in the deserter debuff. You don’t need to be doing anything wrong. I was just reading CS and someone described it like, “they can vote kick for a valid reason, for a laugh, or for no reason at all.” Which is completely true, per policy. Found it:

Continuing the discussion from IE kick threats/blackmail:

And so at this point, usually the people who feel they’ve been inappropriately slapped with a deserter debuff will say, “that system sucks, it’s open to abuse, it shouldn’t be that way,” etc.

This, to me, is easy to explain and understand.

  • We have to have a way to remove disruptive / AFK / trolling people from groups.
  • There cannot be a GM / MVP / Blizzard employee determination on every removal.
  • Seriously, there cannot be. How many tens of thousands of VTKs get initiated in a day, world-wide? Is Blizz going to hire a thousand new employees to handle this?
  • And if they did, what of it? Just because you have an arbitrator does not mean you will agree with their decision.

Answer: Let the majority rule. For any reason. There literally is no other, fairer, way to have this (necessary) system in place.

Continuing the discussion from IE kick threats/blackmail: