IE kick threats/blackmail

Then what’s your solution? Because Blizz has tried it without a VTK system. And a different iteration of the VTK system. While not perfect by any means, the current system is the best all around compromise.


I think one thing that could happen is not to punish the person who was kicked with a lockout time. Let them re-que right away and find another group.

Nope. Tried that before, tanks and healers held groups ransom to be kicked.


As the others mentioned, we started out like that. Unfortunately, people who would join a group that they decided they didn’t want to be in (i.e. a boss or two had already been killed) would encourage others in the group to kick them. If the group didn’t kick them, the player would become disruptive until the group had no choice.


Ok then, I dont know how to fix it, but don’t tell me it isn’t broke. I only do IEs with my wife and usually a guildie and I only do dungeons with 1 or 2 pugs at the most, so I’m not affected. I’m just one more tank not available to pugs.

Just because it isn’t a perfect system doesn’t mean it is broken. Broken would imply it isn’t working how it is currently intended to, which is it. Is there room for improvement? Absolutely, but as you can imagine it isn’t such a simple task and not having anything simply because what you have isn’t perfect is not an option.


It’s broken because folks can remove you from a group? Than how can it work than because nothing anyone came up with had proven to be helpful. It’s either no one is able to kick or the person whom making the request doesn’t want to be kick for whatever reason.

When someone can be kicked for doing nothing wrong, just so others can feel empowered or want to be jerks then somethings wrong, either way, as I said, doesn’t affect me.

It sure seems to be effecting how you feel about the system. You can see that it’s not an easy thing to change. At the end of the day, groups are allowed to vote people out who they don’t want there. That’s it.


You right, the real problem is the players. And I mean, it doesn’t affect how I play the game, I have people to group with that aren’t jerks. Just surprised me how many people are just apathetic about it.

Who determines that?

face it, people who get kicked always portray themselves as the victims. Do you want a GM to have to rule on every VTK? I assure you, that’s not a solution.

Understand why it works a certain way is not apathy. You even said that you don’t have a better solution.


Oh, I definitely have the solution, don’t pug.

Not everyone has the leisure of that option.


I PUG Island Expeditions and I never get kicked, unsure on what you and several others are doing wrong that you get kicked.


I think think we’re starting to get into unproductive territory so it is about time to close this one down. Thanks all.