Kicked from normal island moments before it ended

the main reason they say that is to avoid having to intercede with everything, as hinted too here

Island expeditions are not content that can be failed especially at the normal level, unless you have a full low level group perhaps. a single modest geared 120 can solo a normal island. Vote kick in those as such should be abolished. Get a blue in here, thats my suggestion. No need to micromanage why people are vote kicking someone who carried them to completion - just block the capacity to vote kick in a normal island altogether.

Also that blue mentioned dungeon raids and scenarios. None of which match islands. Scenarios are those wod things that they deleted and never bought back, they were like mini quest driven dungeons for small groups. Dungeons are dungeons nothing to explain there, kill trash packs reach bosses, kill bosses. Raids are just big dungeons. Islands are kill all the things and fill up an azerite bar. Azerite bar fills with each kill. No structure no sequence of events, the only “fail” measure is if the enemy npcs fill the azerite bar first. They do not start untill your side is already at 50%. Vote kick shouldnt even exist inn islands as such. and if someone really wanted to afk on the boat and let them selves get carried by a sub 120 player just to troll kick at the end. Their xp would be in the tens of thousands per hour or less. Hardly seems worth it at that point