I Support The Removal Of The 30 Day Game Time Purchase Option

lot of these people defending it never realized you could transfer your gold to bnet balance and purchase in bulk to save on sub time instead of just by tokens. You think those people will actually want to continue supporting the company on top of this buggy game and horrible lack of support for it? Especially with the toxic community of today?!

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If you don’t have a credit or debit card, how then are you even playing.


why would you support something that has no benefit to anyone…


Except they are not the same. One is a sub and if you sub but forget to cancel you get hit with more costs you did not want. At least with the 30 day only option they can pay and let the game unsub itself.

Perfect for people who are forgetful or not sure, let them pay a month as they like, hell I would even support a shorter sub option, you might end up getting more people on board.


I support the removal of this game as it needs A real overhaul.

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Subscriptions renew automatically. Blizz is hoping that players (1) forget to unsub, (2) fail to understand that they can immediately cancel and then still keep playing for a month, or (3) put it off or stay indecisive until the renewal actually happens. It is a surprisingly effective tactic used by companies.


why would anyone want to play On A crap game when all the fun has been sucked out of it ? and take it from me when the game is no longer fun for me It Is dead. But I do Not support the removal of the 30 day game time option as that is really all the money that I did want to sink into this game over the years . and when It got to where I do not want to play it so that should tell you the state of the game.

Surely this change is just meant to save on processing fees for Blizzard. Hard to understand why anyone would be upset about it.

Some people use those options, and now cannot. Losing options is something to be upset about, not to get upset about the possibility that anyone might be upset about being inconvenienced or outright priced out. Rather than pronouncing how not upset you are because you’re not affected, maybe wait and see what those who are affected have to say?

that’s not at all how that works. activision sets them a budget. more income doesn’t improve the game. in fact, recent data has shown that to be the opposite. more income = firing people and making the game worse.

It’s quite easy to walk into Walmart, Best Buy, GameStop, etc., and purchase a game card with cash.

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You realize, statistically speaking, an arbitrary anti-consumer change usually means less money, right?

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It might help with the bots but I feel like the Bots use wow tokens to buy time…Now it will or should help with gold spammers and stuff for sure.

How depressing, many games like Warframe actually deserve this quote.

so when they’ll plan to start? Maybe they didn’t fire enough people yet

I don’t much enjoy Warframe - like, at all, but it’s absolutely incredible how consistently they manage to put out content for that game.

At a significantly smaller budget, and with more visual fidelity than WoW, as well. Really makes you wonder.

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the thing blizzard removed is the ability of players to be able to purchase a non recurring charge of 30 days game time. or any other gametimes outside of the 60 day time fee.

this isnt about the sub his is about the options other players used to check in and out of the game as they saw fit.

fifteen bucks no big loss if you want to see if they did anything to make you want to come back thirty bucks however is. that is a bait tactic.

Subscription wise you got to jump through hoops to get it cancelled I know I’ve done it twice.

from teh actual thread… if people actually read it…


331 posts

Community Manager



The 1-month, 3-month, and 6-month subscription options are unaffected and can all still be found here: https://us.shop.battle.net/en-us/product/world-of-warcraft-subscription

WoW Tokens are also unaffected here in the Shop: https://us.shop.battle.net/en-us/product/world-of-warcraft-token

Not like it will matter when it goes F2P next year.

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