I made a Broken Priest... Shelving my Tank

The thread is about his warrior being broken somehow then he used priests bugged shield as some sort of justification for his complaints about his own class.

We know priests shields are bugged, that has nothing to do with OP sucking at warrior, especially when warriors are beating priests with bugged shields.


I was going to level my shaman next, but i think i may jump on your bandwagon.

I dont not wish to exploit certain bugs for my own personal gain, but there just has to be some synergy with having a fury warrior tank sit/stand spam for free enrage/blood craze procs, while taking zero damage off the shield, and maintaining high rage gen from dw while enraged white damage - especially if you add the hs/cleave while dw bug (no penalty to hit).

If a paladin can stream to 10k+ people how to ‘not exploit a bug’ in regards to sit/stand spam for free soc procs, anyone can do it.


“Waaaaaaahhhhhh”. OP - September 2019


The gall of making it personal instead of fixing what is bugged and broken :man_facepalming:

Just sad really.

How about we just try and make the game actually be all it can be and fix it for everyone to enjoy! Thanks!


I wouldn’t be too confident there OP, this is Blizzard were talking about.
They will fix a bug in the favor of the player a hell of a lot faster than one in their disfavor.

Improved Power Word: Shield Rank 3

Requires Priest (Discipline)

Increases the damage absorbed by your Power Word: Shield by 15%.

The ‘bug’ is with this, and melee crits not reducing the damage from the improved shield.


Dude, we know.

He made a thread complaining about his warrior being bugged and useless, it has nothing to do with priests shield bug.

He just randomly brought it up mid thread. It’s a seperate problem (if his original “problem” is even real in the first place).



Sweeet 2 more levels then more OPness.

Actually the thread is about “Did you reroll because your class is bugged” It’s clearly a question the OP.

There I highlighted the topic for you.

This has to do with bugs in general and did you in fact reroll because of this! Many classes/specs and abilities are bugged. Many have rerolled. This isn’t a warrior thread :joy::man_facepalming:

Hunters have rerolled cause of their bugs, Rogues have rerolled cause of their bugs
 etc etc

Simple discussion on did you reroll too? What bugs caused you to stop playing your class/spec?


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Tell us about the warrior bugs the OP mentions yet doesn’t describe then, as far as I can see there aren’t any.

This is literally just a priest shield complaint thread badly disguised so OP can complain.

We all already know about it, there was a huge reddit thread and numerous large threads on the forums + bug reports.

Everyone already knows, 0 reason to make things up about your own class.

The only class that deserves to complain right now is hunters but their issue is currently in the midst of being fixed.


If we go into every detail about the bugs then what is the point of the Bug forums? Which I have 2 Reports made weeks ago. I even said it in the OP.

I didn’t come here to make the same detail bug report in Classic Discussions which would be off topic. I came here to ask are you tired of your Class/Spec not working correctly and did you reroll because of it.

You can go to the Bug Report forums and see them. You can read through the countless threads there. No need to repost that.

Again you are making this personal and wanted to just troll the thread. Oh well can we just stick to the topic, please and thanks. Geez :man_facepalming:

No not everyone has some groundbreaking hidden conspiracy :joy: Just discuss the topic or don’t
 Either or not responding to the trolling anymore. Just gonna report it and move on so the thread can continue.

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So you’ll go into detail about the priest shield bug we all know about but won’t tell us about the warrior bugs that are causing you to reroll, in which you originally made the thread about.

Yeah I believe you dude.


Complains that the OP is complaining :white_check_mark:
Posts on retail character :white_check_mark:
provide 0 ground for legitimate discussion

3/3 this is a troll ez report


I know right moving on with the discussion and just reporting the blatant agenda to derail a thread.

Mad because I pointed out the thread is literally useless and just made to complain about shield bug?

We all know about it already homie, go write about it in your journal.

edit: Charge Stun DR Bug Unintended! - #21 by Aizensama-faerlina

lol, i’m the one with the agenda btw.


Just to name a ‘few’ of the bugs affecting warrior gameplay.


He’s always mad. Before launch he would rage and claim people wouldn’t make it to level 30. Imagine thinking leveling to 60 is hard


Finally, if you put some of that in your OP you can start to have a real discussion instead of the garbage you originally posted.

Oh, you’re not even the OP.

Jesus, a random poster is more useful than OP.


Not my thread, but i did agree that rolling a priest to cash in on a class where a bug is having positive game effects instead.

Even using bugs between classes as a bonus.

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Playing my resto shaman and leveling a druid tank alt.


How do you like Druid? I kinda want to make an odd ball spec and do Boomkin.