I made a Broken Priest... Shelving my Tank

Hello everyone with the numerous Warrior Tank bugs from stuns not working correctly to mechanics being wrong and it not functioning as 1.12. I decided why go crazy waiting for fixes to gameplay. Just make a Priest that is bugged in their benefit. So I did and geez is it so easy. Put up a broken bubble that Crits don’t effect and wand… throw up some dots maybe a heal that heals for too much. Yada…yada…

Kinda feels like Classic has a hint of Retail as some classes are broken/bugged where you don’t want to play them and others are broken/bugged making them completely OP. So I will enjoy playing a Bugged Priest till they fix it and maybe just maybe they can fix Warriors so I can main them again.

Just not ramming my head against the wall anymore… My Bug threads I made been sitting there for weeks. Time for easy mode.


Have you rerolled to different class cause of gamebreaking bugs? I recommend Priest for easy Raid Boss mode until they are fixed.

Edit - Video of the bug and Priest laughing


There are numerous other bugs, Healing for to much, armor bugs etc…


I will figure it out since they are bugged why not roll easy mode? I played a twink Priest in WotLK so this should be interesting.

Fact- Melee crits don’t count toward Priest bubble when trying to break it. No Priest aren’t these unkillable Gods they are currently. There are numerous other issues.

So why would I play a warrior that is disabled when I can play a Priest that is super buffed with broken abilities allowing them to have God mode?

So I rerolled is all. What are you guys doing?

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Playing a warrior?


Im leveling all the classes…


Well it would be playable for me if Charge would stop DRing all stuns. It’s a royal pain… Have a bug thread about it because Charge wasn’t added to the DR table until 4.06

Then stuns aren’t mechanically working right you notice this more with Revenge stun. Lets also mention that most of the DR table is also wrong in coding.

Ehhh I will just play a Priest that is bugged and easy mode until fixes which I do hope is soon is all.

I am doing that for professions. I have 3 alts

Theyre running on a retail client and backend. Cant say im surprised.

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Yea the Legion client which is why there was an issue with Buff caps and them being randomly removed in raids etc…

Having gear with +1 % crit and hit were being counted and how you equipped it sometimes it didn’t register.

Just really wish this was given a true Beta test.

Oddly many people don’t even know how bugged they are. Watching a warrior duel a priest on Stream and the warrior just was like dammit fix this game. Priest responds how do you mean? He is like I can’t crit you LUL. Ohhhh really…

Yea… So instead of running from Priest I will join them and farm some easy gold for now.

Is this really a confirmed bug??!!

Your suckage isn’t considered a bug.

BTW no changes.


Yes I don’t want changes which is why these obvious changes should be removed…:man_facepalming:

Yea blizzard I believe fixed the gear bug and buff bug there is a mega thread for that.

However so many other Priest bugs… They are also healing for to much due to an SP bug.

Also just noticed Inner fire on my Priest is bugged. Pretty sweet… Wonder what else is lul.


Actually lately on hunter every single time I have tried to FD/trap it has worked

I had a lev 46 warrior and 47 rogue gank me in Tanaris yesterday. I SHOULD have been able to get away. After the warrior intercepted, I did a FD/freezing and it worked perfectly…except a warrior who was a level lower than me resisted the freeze trap :frowning:

I had already used intimidate and tbw to deal with a bad pull so those were down, and as the warrior kept me hamstrung the rogue unstealths and I died

But still, I was happy, even with a LONG corpse run, because FD/trap worked like intended. It was just an unlucky resist. Otherwise I would have easily been able to say ahead of the stealthed rogue and escape the war

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I am one of those people who was waiting for this to come out since it was announced, and wanted it before it was announced. I remember the “wall of no” that the lame losers would post all the time to rub it in that Blizzard [who was lying] said their dog ate the source code for vanilla wow…

Anyways, having played it and seen the bugs and especially how many game breaking exploits that have been done by people that harmed the economy, they should have put this into a beta test for another 6 months. It wasn’t ready to be released at all.


Here is a video of the bug and the Priest laughing.


that really funny. and not at the same time.


To say that dumb little crit bug makes the whole game “easy mode” is such absolute disingenuous troll bait. You probably didn’t even roll a priest, you’re just butthurt and trying to be dramatic to get attention to your personal idea of Worst Bug Evarrrr.

If you just re-rolled priest from a 46 warrior, that means you’re, what level 20 at best? How frequently are you being crit in low level PVE that the melee crit bug would even come into play? How does mitigating like, 2% of the melee damage you take = “easy mode?” The bubble doesn’t make you invincible. It still breaks after you get hit like 4x. And

Isn’t even a thing.


Playing a warrior. :smiley:

Bravo wait til they get fixed, then it will be really fun.

It’s one massive thing of many. There are 1,000’s of bugs in this game right now man… It’s also the fact that Warriors also has bugs making them ineffective. Several classes do. So people are rerolling because they are tired of waiting for fixes.

Yes I did now which was the point of this post and it is in fact easy, it’s like lvling in Retail.

Yes the bubble does make you invincible vs Crits because you can’t break it and it is nullifying 120% of the warriors damage in that video not 2%. That warrior has Impale for 20% crit bonus. (Which does nothing ) He popped Reck and did 4k damage into that bubble. You math is horrifically off.

The bug forums seem to disagree with you my friend. There is most certainly an SP bug causing increased healing.


Warriors have a name color that isn’t pretty to look at.

Clearly bliz hates warriors and gave them brown names to boost the amount of pally tanks.

Wake up sheeple


I’ll take your word for it mate.

This isn’t about taking anyone’s word. It is about fixing obvious Bugs that have in fact been proven to be Bugs breaking gameplay. You must have a Priest that doesn’t want these bugs fixed?