I dislike skyriding

Nope sorry to say Ion says we all that want to use Steady Flight have to play the Pathfinder game again …and again …and no I don’t care if it easy…if its so easy then put Dynamic flying aka dragon flying behind the same Pathfinder game.

Honestly, I can not understand why there is even a timer, why cant it be a quick swap? Or why cant you just set which mounts you want to have normal riding and dragon riding?

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Exactly. Let us pick mounts we dragon-ride and which we traditional fly.


This would give me a good chuckle.

troll better. weak

That sounds reasonable to me. Thank you for your feedback.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


No the 5 second cast is kinda a necessity to even allow TBC flying to exist.

The long and short of it is that TBC flying warps how people play the game and how the world has to be designed to encompass that. Folks participate in fewer activities and engagements when you can afk safely around an activity as opposed to if you have to land to afk, because at that point you are in a semi-dangerous state and most folks resort to the mentality of “I may as well help out since I’m already here.”

There’s more to it, but it isn’t a case that I “think” it is broken. But rather that 15+ years of data in regards to how game design and world building works proves that flying is incredibly dangerous as a whole to introduce to a world. And unlimited flying is one of the greatest world building taboos that exist.
It just isn’t possible to create a world that players (or media consumers at all as this extends to books, movies, and more) find engaging when there’s nothing binding people to it. WoW handled this compromise, since players got irrationally mega upset about losing flying, by introducing a type of flying that requires you to always land.

That’s all there is to it. Being able to swap between these two with zero limitations would literally just make every single Skyriding mount into a TBC afk platform. Because one would be stupid to not do it, and hey if I just need the participation trigger for an event, world boss, or killing of a rare … why would I care about other players in the event?
TBC flying, and as a direct result this hybrid type, is broken because of human psychology. Ain’t anything more or less complicated than that.

Or maybe I know more about game design than what you do.

The popularity of an act shouldn’t ever be used as a way to dictate whether it is good or bad. I’m sorry but if you are going to use ad populum not just as a fallacious reasoning but as an insult as well, then you clearly have no legs to stand on whatsoever.

TBC flying’s impact on the game has nothing to do with how popular or not it is. It has to do with what it actually does and it’s real impact in regards to how human psychology works. If you are gonna use a fallacy as the basis for your arguments and insults, couldn’t you at least have used a more entertaining one rather than “lots of people like something that’s bad for us, therefore you are wrong for not liking it.”

We will get used to it

I cancelled my 3 subs last night and haven’t played since. I cannot dragonride. Liolang actually defended me last on my post that was deleted because extremely horrid people mass reported it. Yes I have a lot of dragon flying achievements from when I could do them. I even defended the system. But after my stroke, I can’t do it anymore. There was nothing wrong with the system we had 2 days ago. Forcing this new thing down everyone’s throat is not cool.

This is him still not getting over WoD.

A note for druids. Your flight form is a SPELL. Not a mount. This new system destroys your lore and takes away a spell.

Anyway, with GSE not working anymore (I had to use it or I couldn’t do anything since my stroke) and this flight debacle, this is where my adventure in Azeroth ends. GL everyone.

Liolang, thank you for defending my.


Nah, not trolling. FOMO, dragonriding, etc. His purist takes are not that popular, which is deeply ironic considering he has literally stated in this thread and in others that his stances mean that others who don’t share his preferences ought to be pushed away from the game.


That is why TBC normal flying has stood the test of time and it is the crown jewels of crown jewels.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Please explain in detail how TBC flying negatively impacts your psyche to the point that no one should be able to use TBC flying outside a specifically 5-second cast. This sounds like a control freak purist gamer problem that “inconveniences” very few, not a problem for most paying customers who merely don’t want their time wasted and experience made irritating for no good reason. The popularity of OP’s point of view really speaks to how Blizzard got this one wrong.

If you know specific details about this particular game design, then explain the coding or the literal decision-making process Blizzard used to arrive at their decision to all of us here. Otherwise it just boils down “but psychology” or “most customers don’t share my particular tastes so they are wrong.” If you want to talk about informal logical fallacies, try bold assertions.


They lost the narrative long ago because they wanted to control TBC flying by removing it forever.

They continue to lose because they now think that most people would give up on TBC normal flying without realizing most people want to use both as they see fit.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


I have explained it more times than just those two, but I figured two examples over the most recent few days should suffice. But there’s more examples both from WoW and other games one can derive what a positive travelling experience is, how that impacts how the world is designed to be interacted with, and more.

If you want two vastly different games that understood this, just look at The Witcher 3 and ARK: Survival Evolved.

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You are very correct my Tauren friend. Indeed let player choose as they see fit for that is how it was on live for many months.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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It’s good for the game to let people mine and herb the old way. It’s good for the game to let people hover so they can get the door/use the restroom/check on their child immediately. It’s good for the game to give players a convenient experience. It’s good for the game to let players play the game how they want to play.

It’s frankly none of our business as individual players how someone else wants to play the game. If they want to AFK during a Community Feast, that’s their prerogative, whether I like it or not. That’s just life. It’s also just life for people to care less and less about older content that they’ve done so many times before. I got the soup to legendary quality on behalf of a friend by forming a group of like-minded individuals. I easily got the soup to the same quality by doing the event very early in the expansion.

If we are to be concerned with community activities in the game, then Blizzard should design community activities that are actually fun for most players and don’t feel like trite chores that make people want to AFK in the first place. Or remove weekly quests that make players feel like they must complete these community events after having done them so many times. Or design community activities that scale or somehow don’t punish people for playing in the middle of the night or during a lull in a patch. Of course, there is always the premade tab and Discord for forming groups. If you want to kill a rare in a cave that (inadvisably on Blizzard’s part takes many people to kill), then form a group.

I enjoy the caves and scenery in the game. I never felt like I was trying to mindlessly rush from Point A to Point B in BfA. I just recently re-played it and enjoyed the details of the terrain very much. It didn’t take Dragonriding to make me notice it and appreciate it, since it didn’t exist back then. But Dragonriding does make me fly so fast that Blizzard made a lot of the terrain in the Dragon Isles look less impressive because they think I won’t notice at that speed. Take a look and compare the details between an old expansion and a current one up close. It makes me sad and is a consistent gripe I have with this expac. What also makes me sad is Blizzard making the zones larger because I fly faster now. It’s a scam; Dragonriding is the new sky swimming in the Dragon Isles, at least. Then again, these are all my personal preferences and experiences. Someone on a TBC mount isn’t stopping you from exploring a cave or standing in the middle of the Ohn’ahran Plains and taking it all in or forming a group to complete objectives.

Punishment doesn’t always work out, psychologically speaking. It generates resentment and aggression as a side-effect. I don’t want that vibe in the games I play.


Funny how you link what you said to me, but you DIDN’T link what I said that refutes your points, and how you dodged engaging with said refuting.

Whilst I don’t agree with many of your takes, including some I think can be demonstrated to just be factually wrong… yeah. There are ways to discuss whether something is good or not for the game, and part of it is the quality of the events.

There’s also plenty of ways that people have played the game to avoid the most egregious downsides of any system that exists in the game. I have played like that, and it sounds like you have as well.

Ultimately though, Blizzard has to focus on the average player who most likely will behave like an average person. Which is why things like psychology and general game design is likely to be more valueable than specific edge cases where the quality of an activity is great enough to overcome specific psychological tendencies.

But all I can say to your post here overall is… yeah. Sure. These are mindsets and mentalities that are worth to consider on some level. I’m just not convinced that Blizzard can consider them when looking at things that are overarching across all players.

I linked my own post in which you were included in it, since you beautifully demonstrates an individual who isn’t at all willing to even for half a moment consider that you might be wrong. And you do so by holding steadfastly to your desires and the like.

Furthermore your refutations were “I agree with you what you are saying, but I don’t want to admit it because I equate subjective enjoyment with something that’s largely unrelated to subjective enjoyment.” So no, your refutations weren’t refuting my points, and as I categorically deconstructed your points I proved you actually made the cases that I was trying to make for me.

So no, I haven’t “dodged” anything - I just didn’t include the parts where you demonstrably agreed with me.


You were describing a problem, and blaming this problem on flying, when you should be doing the opposite.

People want to fly/afk hover over rares because the content is bad and annoying and because they can.

They don’t fly/afk hover over rares because flying exists.

I don’t see why you are entirely unable to understand this concept.

Make the content better = people won’t want to skip it. And/or remove the loopholes allowing them to do that (such as requiring participation).

Flying is not the cause of the problem.
Flying merely points out that there IS a problem.

Trying to stymie flying is only putting a superficial bandaid on a deep wound, it won’t fix any of the problems and will only annoy people who were trying to find workarounds to the problem of the content not being fun to do.

That is the point that you failed to engage with and ignored.

Also, you failed to address the concept that the same stuff happens in areas where you can’t fly, only they will seek other mediums such as stealth, or only throwing a weak ranged attack on a rare and standing back because the rares are not fun to fight either.

Same behavior, only flying isn’t present.

It’s kinda like, flying ain’t the problem. Flying is only an indicator that another problem exists, because it’s so easy to notice.

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Not only has BlizZard lost the narrative regarding how they are treating DR and TBC normal flying, but their reputation took a hit when they admitted the patch they pushed out was the “correct” one.

Not a good look.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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