5 Seconds is Way Too Slow (Change Flying Style)

This is my point.

How folks interact with the entire world was distinctively warped by how folks used flying. Heck we even had an example of it in Dragonflight when a design oversight caused an uproar on these forums: time rifts.

What people do when they have the ability to sit just out of reach of harm’s way but still be around an activity, is that people choose to not engage with the activity. With Skyriding(/Dragonriding) folks have to land meaning that there’s a lot fewer convenient places to afk, so when that happened in Dragonflight because of poor game design and environment building … the same thing happened.

Folks just sat afk and didn’t help with the activity, leading to frustration for some and just a general attitude of “not my problem.” Because… it wasn’t their problem. Folks who were there for the final portal were there for the final portal. Why engage in an activity if it is pointless towards the endgoal?

Compare that to the Tuskkar cooking event. Or the Researcher’s Under Attack. Or the assault on the Dragonbane keep. Or the frozen-futurist world.

When people are given a tool that is TOO convenient, people opt for that. This is a well-documented psychological and honestly just straight up logical human behaviour. In the real world we see this effect when it comes to incentives for people to use other vehicles than cars that it isn’t enough, you also need to desensitize unnecessary car usage.

In WoW it is the same thing with TBC flying, which is why Blizzard has spent over a decade trying to solve these issues when the player base flat out refused to do much than anything but afk in the sky rather than play the game once we got access to those tools. Flying on it’s own ain’t the problem, it is how people have used it over the years. That’s why Skyriding is fine, it has issues, but none so egregious that ever existed by players having access to a mobile afk platform that quite literally warped and reshaped how people played the game.

All of this is why this is a question of human psychology and game design. Not opinions because there’s not much to discuss here; this change is objectively good for the game’s overall health, regardless of whether people like the change or not.

Heck, Hirai’s post here demonstrates part of it as well.

There’s no “those” people. This is human psychology and folks not wanting their toys taken away from them. Regardless of however damaging those toys are.