5 Seconds is Way Too Slow (Change Flying Style)

Blizzard has spent every single expansion since TBC’s release, with the one exception being Cataclysm, to limit or otherwise reduce people’s reliance on flying. Previously flying as it existed served as a way to circumvent objectives, hinders, and to otherwise afk and not interact with other players.

That’s why Blizzard have again, and again, and again tried to limit how, when, and where people can use flying.

Overall continent design changed to make everything effectively circular, zones like Wintergrasp, guards that are able to attack air targets, a plethora of in-door questing, zones that are just straight up locked from flying like Isle of Thunder, or the intent to make WoD a ground-based expansion, Legion focused on a lot of unavoidable objectives that required buffs but also introduced world quests, and so on and so on.

The game has always done better before flying was available and that goes for every single expansion (Cataclysm being the one exception due to the return to our two absolutely massive rectangular world continents).

Also, I’m gonna let you in on a secret…

Most of your complaints are all subjective. “I want access to convenience that makes me not interact with the game as much as I otherwise would.”

A subjective want is entirely subjective.

See above.

See above (the weird “let’s not act like it’s deprecated”).

Yes, ya’ll who keep making these threads and then refusing to even remotely understand why or how these changes are good for the game. All just because of “but mah toy.”