I dislike skyriding

Not sure why they chose this path but it feels bad all around.

shrugs shoulders

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Ion just wonā€™t let go of Pathfinder ever since what happen to him before WoD went liveā€¦he almost damn well caused a riot against Blizzard for stating they were removing flying all together when WoD was going to go liveā€¦it caused a he//storm on the forums for sure.

It was almost as good as Blizzrards idea of using real names in the forums and gameā€¦you can guess how that went nowā€¦haha


I agree thaqt this is one of the dumbest changes they have ever made! Iā€™m about ready to quit playing because of this change. Iā€™ve been playing since 2005 and been through some poor decisions before, but this one is probably the worst. Skyriding is a pain in the rear just flying was so much easier!


I think this will still be tweaked.

I flew a bit today in Org on my manhole cover. I forgot about skyriding and it felt like I was doing static flying drunk before I remembered.
It was kinda fun on a flying manhole cover.

Still, I get the complaints and I think theyā€™re going to be tweaking things as time goes by so while itā€™s easier said than done, I think we have to be patient.

Same, I hate the change.


THERE SHOULD BE a toggle beside each mount to pick what mode it should fly in.


This expansion needed more time to cook along with prepatch and also more hot fixes before they released these major patches too. :woman_cook:

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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The mans obstinance is legendary, thats for certain.
Being stubborn is both a positive and negative traitā€¦but I think sometimes hes having a hard time discerning which circumstances its positive or negative in.


There should be but will they not do it?

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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Im having to constantly click on the ā€œswitch flight styleā€ button when I dismount. Is this glitched?
Is there a way to assign certain mounts as steady flight and then they will stay that way when mounted?

Its the same with my dragon mounts. They are not staying as a skyriding mount. They become grounded and i have to hit the button again.

if i switch mounts in a hurryā€¦ here we goā€¦ they are grounded and not skyriding to get to the elite that I want to kill quick enough. I lost out on 3 elites today because i could not quickly get my mount to fly

I hope there is some improvement in the works because I dont want to hit a toggle button everytime I want to mount


I agree wholeheartedly. I dont know WHO they were thinking of when they made the change!


Then you know that in the before time in order to swap specs you actually had to travel back to your home city in order to do that.

weve coma a ways since then. Personally, i donŹ»t see an issue with the 5 second cast.
ItŹ»s like many other things in the game: sure it could tweaked to be better for me, but its not so bad as is.

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Welcome to the forums and sorry to hear that.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

5 seconds turns into cumulative hours when you are constantly having to do it over and over again as time goes on, just like hours sitting in traffic every day turns into cumulative weeks of your life gone. Also, itā€™s just plain annoying to have to deal with. Of course you probably dragonride all the time, so itā€™s easy to take an uninformed posture and disingenuously act like itā€™s not inconvenient for swathes of players. GDā€™s gonna GD, I guess.


Wait, what? I mined and herbed these past 20 years on regular mounts. Itā€™s a pain in the rear to do this in older zones with dragonriding. You canā€™t tell us that the way weā€™ve been doing things for 20 years is ā€œbrokenā€ or ā€œnot intended.ā€ There is zero negative impact on you as a player to remove the 5-second cast. Wait 5 seconds and mount up instead if this ruins it for you.


Here here! Well said, and exactly my point. I donā€™t get the haters in this thread. It has nothing to do with removing dragonriding or anythingā€¦


He just wants to game to cater to people like him and him only. Otherwise heā€™d have to admit that a lot of the hills he chooses to die on with respect this game are unpopular.

Iā€™m just leaving skyriding off on all my characters. The long cast time feels like crap. Normal flying is much more useful for everything in the game besides going long distances without stopping. Worst feature of this buggy patch for sure!


Just adding my 2Ā¢ asking for some sort of fix. I had both static and skyriding mounts on my bars, and used them for different situations. In my mind, plenty of easy fixes here:

  1. Allow default flying type on a per mount basis.
  2. make the switch between types instant.
  3. revert to how it was before the patch.
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I disagree with having only Skyriding and Flying dedicated mounts.
Personally, Iā€™d prefer the option to designate which mounts use Skyriding and which use Flying along with the ability to switch a mount from one form of flying to another in-game.
That way my characters can freely choose to use either one mount or two as it suits them.

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