I dislike skyriding


What are you talking about? Is there some kind of news I missed?

Here you go!

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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Don’t worry about trying to make sense of everything he says. Half of what he puts together if lala land stuff. He hold a huge dislike towards Blizzard and has for many many years. Anything sets him off on deep theory on how they are here to only piss off the WoW player and to try to get us all to quit the game. He doesn’t even like the guy/gal that cleans their bathrooms, they have somehow done him wrong in the past too.

I like the delay since it bothers the dragonriders. It lets them share, in a very small way, the frustration of being denied steady flight until pathfinder. I hope you hate whatever they come up with as much as I hate dragonriding.

Added to that, from a psychological perspective, once you add little “annoyances” like this, they add up. In that, they cause accumulated resentment. As silly as this sounds, its a known fact. Then you get symptoms of aggravated play over time that manifest in easier rage quitting, out bursts, and flat out unsubbinig when combined with other annoyances. The 5 sec cast time for riding doesn’t need to be in the game, but here we are.


they did make it a little less convenient to switch back and forth.
sometimes i feel as if the developers have never actually played
our game.

It is a penalty for people daring to like to use both DR and TBC normal flying which is not logical when people allowed to play how they want.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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If a 5 sec cast time annoyance is what it takes to make a person quit this game. They was already to the state of quitting this game in the 1st place or never planned to stick around. They just was looking for that one excuse to use.

I am sorry but of all the things wrong in WoW and have been for years and things in the past that have went sideways. Jumping ship over 5 sec cast time, is pfft to me.

Having issues with pathfinder and how it is used. That is as old as the hills now days as a reason to complain, so it nothing new to hear about that.

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Do they still play the game? That is a fair question to ask.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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Same, Blizzard always want to “limit” everything.

For me, I will just ignore skyriding forever, I’m pretty sure Blizzard will remove normal riding later… They always want to limit people.

Let us toggle mode with an instant spell.
Let us select mode by mount (ex: MountA = Skyriding, MountB = normal)

And, I also feel the 420% speed is too fast in town. But do we really want to complain about being too fast… I feel like im cheating because it’s too fast.


You just agreed with me. Why add to the camels back? These annoyances are cumulative, they add up. they can be remedied. It a non issue to you, BECAUSE it it simple. SImple things are easy to fix? no?

Agreed. I also like have both types on my bars to just pick which one. Switching it back and forth is super annoying. Should have just left it the way it was or pick by mount.

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If it was easy to put it on a button, it’s just as easy/hard to put it on the mount listing.

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I stand with you Holdmypug…myself I have had two strokes and a heart attack…its no fun for sure…I had to give up doing PVP cause of my strokes…it stress me out…I’ll never see my 1 Million HK now…I was up too 410,000+ HK when I had to quit. This pathfinder is BS plain and simple.


skyriding is one of the best things they’ve added in a decade

Yet this only serves to benefit those players who want to play the game like you do, and that’s the crux of the issue. It’s good for you but not good for most players. Your play style is valid but so are others’ play styles. The subjective quality of graphic art in environmental assets, the participation of players in community events, etc. – these are topics that you care about but others may not care about, and at least as it pertains to group play, groups can be formed. Most seem not to care all that much. And so making TBC flying a pain in the rear benefits few. I can’t make others care about what I care about in the game; I can only support design decisions that make the most players happy.

Yeah, I try not to because I don’t like feeling like dead weight or like I didn’t earn something, but I’ve definitely played that way. Especially on bad days when I didn’t have a lot of energy. One of my pets died back in December and I played like dog water for weeks. It’s all I could muster, but I still wanted to be inside the game to cope with the grief. I try to keep that in mind about “lazy” and “incompetent” people in the game. Maybe they are having a bad day, so I overlook the AFKers.


You say this like this is the only wrong thing Blizzard ever did. Do you understand the concept of accumulated annoyances?

Let’s say you live with your significant other. One day, you see they left their socks on the floor and you see it’s a daily habit and you have to pick them up every single day. So you complain about it but nothing changes. So you keep picking them up. Another time you see they didn’t clean up the bath tub after taking a bath or a shower. So it’s up to you to go clean that up and it becomes another chore that’s exclusively for you to do. Add more and more little things to the list and one day you burst with rage. Are you going to say this was just for one pair of socks? No, it was an accumulation of small annoyances that added up.

This is what’s happening here. Why did they try to remove flying in WoD? Why did it suddenly become a problem? So when they saw the exodus, they walked back and added the idiotic pathfinder. Years later, we get a new type of flying PLUS pathfinder. People can pick the flying type they prefer and nobody complained about it.

BUT NOW, all of a sudden, old flying is back on the “THIS IS BAD” chair. Why did they change the way we fly? We’re still in DF like we were 3 days ago. Why can’t I instant fly on my druid like I did before? Why do I need a toggle of 5 seconds added here? Same with the login screen… What was wrong about it before? Nothing. I never saw anyone say “you know what? I want to see my 200 alts in the same list”. Why did they change the way macros work? All these “small things” add up.


Stop crying, Me and everyone I know I’m my guild loves sky riding. It’s been the best addition to wow basically ever. They are not removing it. I understand you and some other haters don’t like it. Lucky for you, you can just turn it off and fly the old terrible unfun flying style. So do that. And stop asking them to remove a feature the majority of the player base loves.

Your’re not asking for enough. Please give teleports to everywhere. No cast times on them either please just instant cast.

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My static flying go up to 600% and I think a lot of folks would be happy. Or at least have an option to choose between static 400% and faster.