I dislike skyriding

I enjoyed swapping back and forth between dragonflight and normal flight depending on what mount I chose. Short trip? Hop on a normal mount and zip there. Need to hover or go straight up? Normal. Long distance or speed required? Dragonflight.

Now we cant do that without a 5 second cast before hand? And if you have skyriding on, you cant even use some mounts as flying mounts?

Huge miss on this one. At least make flying mounts that are not skyriding usable as normal flying mounts…

EDIT: A lot of good ideas here. Most popular seems to be deciding WHICH riding each mount uses. This is great, but probably very hard to do quickly and easily.

The easiest, and most likely solution, is make the swap spell instant cast OFF GCD, so we can macro it into different mounts and different keybinds. This will allow druids to use it properly, and allow people to use mounts as they chose!


Agreed. I had buttons for my dynamic and static mounts to use as needed for different functions. Would really prefer going back to having dedicated dragonriding mounts and dedicated static flying.


All I want is an instant off-GCD cast for toggling between types. I could just put the keybind for a macro for the toggle + mount up on my sidebar. Why does it have be 5 seconds long?


No, don’t try to bring your negativity to my thread and try to pair with my issues. Your issue is with the system, which I do not have an issue with. I enjoy Dragonriding. I just prefer having a quicker easier option to fly with.

Nothing is making you keep dragonriding on.


I agree. Skyriding is fine for long distances, but if I need to do short hops or precision flying, I want normal flight. Being able to grab a skyriding mount or a normal mount as needed was nice and quick. Having a 5 second toggle between flying types is aggravating. It feels like this was done to try to penalize people who don’t want to use skyriding all the time.


You do realize WoW didn’t invent dynamic flying, right? Many other games use a smiliar concept, including GW2. And it was expanded because so many liked it.

It’s 2024. Understand that your opinion isn’t everyone’s.

Back to the actual topic…

We’ve been complaining about this since Alpha and people kept saying “it’s no big deal” up until recently when they finally got to see it in action in beta.

Honestly, the only thing I can think of is that it’s like swapping specs. Maybe because it has to swap an entire mount journal and system to give you bars or something for all mounts now. I don’t know. But yes, it sucks.


I am not discussing whether or not I like/use the feature. I am pointing out the factual basis of the feature. It is a dragon attached to the command for adjusting camera independent of character movement. You know, those times you’d be running and swiveling camera to see behind u?

Well, now that’s how you fly a dragon in Wow. They call it Dynamic Flight because that’s a catchy name for a new feature. The fact they tacked on a new feature to an existing camera control feature, touted it as a new way to interact with the world, both classic Blizzard.

I’m both giving them their props for coming up with major expansion features from ordinary game slop, AND criticizing the fact that they didn’t spend more time fleshing out an actual dynamic flight system with some real forethought to longevity and the future. Here we are, two years later, with an update to it that finally brings it up to speed with the rest of the game, but it’s leaving a lot to be desired still.

And it’s still just fancy camera flight. If you used WASD and needed ample propulsion to maintain lift, I mean, I’d give it much more credit, but as long as you have vigor, push 1/spacebar and aim that camera, baby.

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uhhhh you know its a lot more than that right?

faster. different controls. abilities? Its not just camera trickery. xD

troll better


Yeah, I even discussed those aspects. I mean, if you’re going to quote without reading…


Yup, don’t like it a all. Why does the switch need a cast time?


This isn’t facts:

And it’s not what this thread is about.

Done and done.


I disliked Dragonriding, but basically had to make due like you explained. Now even that doesn’t work anymore, lol.


The skyriding toggle should be per mount - honestly hoped it would have been.


Yeah this needs to be address ASAP


Yes, this exactly. I want some regular flying mounts for various tasks. It shouldn’t be all-or-nothing with a global toggle. Let us select steady flight for some mounts and skyriding for others.


Agreed, I never liked dragonriding and only used it when I had to. Now its mandatory?
Wait I found the button that switches between the two. Why normal flying in old world is the default I have to question. Also why I had to look for a button is questionable. This could have been addressed in an in game mail, quest, or talking head.


I don’t know if this is realistically feasible, but it seems to me like the correct solution is to be able to set individual mounts in skyriding mode or old flying mode. That, or at least have an instant off-gcd ability that you can put into macros to effectively do the same thing.

I do like the new flying, however. It’s much faster and somewhat enjoyable to manipulate.


Well 20secs with skyriding and I absolutely hate the change. I would love to be able to turn it off and not have to constantly channel an ability to swap between dragonriding and normal flying. As a druid I often dragonfly near something and shift into flightform and I cannot do that now.


It’s just awful. I really don’t like it.

All I want is faster flying. Skydragonriding has always been annoying for me, as I like to just putter around and do my thing in small areas. If I need to do long distances, I’ll hop on a DF mount.

So now I have to choose between one or the other. It’s just a QOL downgrade. imho because of mounting taking an extra press + 5s.


Agreed. This is an unnecessary frustration that was introduced for no good reason.

Either make the switch between flight modes instant, or allow toggling of skyriding/steady flying based on mount.