How to appeal forced name change

I meant in general. Dude is still a piece of crap though.


I have not claimed that I have some sort of constitutional right to the name Rittenhouse. Blizzard is free to set up whatever TOS they want and I am free to reject their TOS (by not playing their game). That being said, if I do something that does not violate their TOS, then they are the ones violating their agreement with me if they punish me regardless.

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It’s been explained to you, several times.

“Rittenhouse” violates this part:

You may not use language that could be offensive or vulgar to others.

“Rittenhouse” is considered to be “offensive” or “vulgar” by Blizzard. End of story.


Never said you did. Just my opinion.

The clause that Esta linked provided you with an answer to that. They reserve the right to make further judgments as needed.
You’ll need to change your name or be,

You created a name that you knew would cause friction. When that result happened and you were required to change it you decided to take it to the forums where it would cause further friction.
It’s called stirring the pot. I have no respect for your request.


No, it was auto-banned based solely on reports.

Well that just changes everything, doesn’t it?

Yes, because Blizzard agrees.
Enjoy your new name!

By the way, most folks I’ve known who had to name change just did it and moved on. You’re just doing this for attention kiddo.


You assume that, when Blizz could’ve gotten to the reports much later. That being said, like I said, you can still name yourself the same name (when you’re met with the re-naming screen), but I’d caution against doing this.


I mean I get that Blizzard’s decision in this case coincides with your ideological preferences, so you are gleeful at my misfortune, and I don’t have much hope that any appeal will work, but the fact is that Blizzard hasn’t agreed with anything here. They set up an auto-ban-on-report system that auto-banned my name based on nothing but reports.

If you don’t see an underlying problem here, even if you think the system worked in this case, then idk what to tell you.

I hope you don’t take me for a liar, but I didn’t play this toon from about the second week of SOM until yesterday, and then within 5 min of logging in was hit with a forced name change.

It’s possible that an actual blizzard employee just happened to get around to actioning my name right at the moment I logged in, but that would be a cosmic coincidence.

More likely there is some threshold of reports that triggers the auto-rename, and possibly from my time on SOM I was already close to that threshold, and just needed one or two more reports to trigger the forced change. It would surprise me that reports would stay in the system that long, but it is possible.

More likely, as soon as I logged in, 2 or 3 people didn’t like my name, and reported it, and an automated system did the rest.

ETA: I also don’t understand how some people seem to think its a “conspiracy theory” that Blizzard uses automated systems. If 14 people in an AB flag the one guy who is AFK and he gets removed, how do you think that works? Do you think a Blizzard employee is getting notified about those reports and logging into Classic Era Arathi Basin number 3, and checking on the person who hasn’t moved out of the starting area, and kicking them from the BG?

Nice, making assumptions to invalidate my pov. Tell me, more about myself please, I’m dying to know everything!


If you telegraph your POV on any topic, I’m more than happy to accurately interpret what you are saying. I don’t know if you prefer apples over oranges, but if you opine on it once or twice I’d be happy to tell you.

Could be the system playing “catch up”.

Or, somebody wanting your name and since you haven’t logged in in awhile, that name got freed up.

Or, you were still reported for an inappropriate name 'cause you don’t need to be logged in to be reported. People will look at the armory (or these WoW forums) and report people, for any and everything.


possibly… but I mean, c’mon, it’s not like I tried to log in and there was a forced name change waiting for me. I logged in for 5 minutes and was hit with the actioning. Let’s use Occam’s Razor here.

Also, does Armory even work for WoW Classic? I didn’t think it did but maybe I’m wrong.

Again, even with your off-time, you can still be reported, and the action finally happened at that moment.

Suck it up and deal with it. It’s a free name change.


The odds of this are infinitesimal. Why are you so dug in against the idea that they use an automated system? I’m legitimately curious why you think it is impossible.

Blizzard has acknowledged that they use automated systems.

Continuing the discussion from Abuse of reporting feature:

Are all eponymous players equally forced to a name change? If this is the case, you are probably right in assuming that it was automatic. If it’s only you, not so much.

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I never said I was.

Why do you assume that it is? And, why are you against the idea of it NOT being automated?

IK the Squelch is automated.

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I’ve explained this several times, but I was logged in on that character for the first time since, as best as I can remember, December of 2021. Within 5 minutes was force-disconnected and required to change my name if I want to enter the world.

It is not physically impossible that it was an action taken by a Game Master, but if so it would be a cosmic coincidence. It is much more likely that it was done by an automated system.

Since we want to quote a blue, I can do the same:

Talks about name changes NOT being automatic.

Talks inappropriate ASSOCIATIONS of names, like “Rittenhouse”, being inappropriate.

Seems to align with everything I’m telling you.

That being said, that blue will lock up this thread, eventually. Usually does, whenever they get quoted so good job!


Blizz isn’t the fastest in dealing with reports, that’s for sure, but here’s another one excluding name changes from being automatic:


They can say whatever they want, it doesn’t make it true. You are asking me to believe a forum post instead of my lying eyes.