How to appeal forced name change

Nothing wrong with that name. First off the guy was found not guilty. Second, Rittenhouse square in Philly hasn’t been renamed, third, by this logic (playing devils advocate as if he was guilty) anyone named Ted or Bundy or Jeffrey or any other name that has ever been associated with a murderer should also not be allowed.

It’s the employees at the company- they rule based on their own biases. Just have to deal with it.

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agree with you up until here – there is almost no way this wasn’t simply an automated response.

Stop with the conspiracy theories. They’re doing it based on the reports generated. If you search in the directory, there’s numerous people named Rittenhouse.

Unfortunately OP, if we do some process of elimination and determine it wasn’t just your name that caused you to be reported and the fact others have the same name and aren’t reported would seem as if you were saying/doing things that garnered attention to have you mass reported.

Stay out of barrens/elwynn chat.


I see multiple heavy left leaning comments here that get removed. If you were to say anything right leaning it would be removed. You can’t deny that.

If they named him Playerytshtr that is either the biggest coincidence in the history of this game or proof of the bias

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I’m going to say something to you that may either be the most controversial thing you’ve ever heard or the greatest revelation to ever slap you back into reality, but…

MAYBE, just MAYBE, there is a correlation between hatefulness, prejudice, bias…etc etc… and right leaning ideology that warrants them getting removed.


Or perhaps that’s just your mind state because the left is so intolerant and hateful themselves


You do not tolerate the intolerant. In order to have a tolerant society, you must be intolerant to intolerance. That is the tolerance paradox.

You (or whoever) find ‘the left’ intolerant because they aren’t tolerant of your intolerance.

So of course pearl clutching will happen full tilt within right leaning circles. It’s their bread and butter to incite their base. Been that way for a long time.


I’m not continuing this conversation, because, as I said- I’ll be the one getting actioned, because the employees at this company are biased.

We will just have to agree to disagree.

Take care


All depends on the rhetoric. I welcome discourse and if it helps convey a critical point, perhaps to younger audience condemning themselves to limited or skewed perspectives, then it should be welcomed.

If Blizzard is as ‘woke’ as you likely claim it is, they would welcome it too.

Take care to you too.


No cause? Apparently you didn’t see the video of him being chased, knocked to the ground and attacked.


The only interaction I had was with someone who complimented my name, and to whisper someone in my main’s guild for an invite. Was not in chat.

I’d wager that compliment was one of sarcasm.

I know you know why the name was flagged, but you’re feigning confusion just to get a reaction from forum posters.

Goodluck with the appeal, though. These threads /always/ work out in the reported person’s favor.


OP, can you also take a screenshot of the placeholder “PlayerYTSHTR”? I know you’re using that to drum up some weird conspiracy and outrage but, honestly, I’d love to see it.

at first I was going to tell the OP to go pound sand.
but then I saw his name. he has every right to be called Rittenhouse :expressionless:
blizzard has made a huge mistake here.
this wrong must be righted.

what horrible crime? he was found innocent, buddy. :expressionless:

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Actually his protrait should update to this in a short while if he keeps it.
OP try a hard reset :wink:

Happy to but, and this may be a silly question, what is the best way to upload a screenshot here? I don’t think I have a high enough forum trust level to directly insert images.

edit: try this:


with no space or linebreak between the “https://” and the rest of the string

Ngl I’m laughing pretty damn hard that that was your “randomized” name. Of all the possible character strings…

I take back my second comment.

I know, right? I’m pretty sure that the name “PlayerYTSHTR” is far more offensive than “Rittenhouse”

Killing, no matter the circumstances is alway horrible, no?
That said, if players are uncomfortable with the name and Blizzard agrees and tells OP it needs to be changed then tough luck for OP. It’s a private company, not a democracy.