Name Changed/suspended

Like was said so far, the naming penalties are based off reports. Meaning that they are only actioned when the community brings them to Bliz's attention.

So any others you see with the same name could mean that they haven't been reported. Further, the armory doesn't indicate if a name is flagged for a change. In short, the armory is not a good indication of anything in a case like this.

So in this regard you haven't been singled out. If believing so is serving as your impetus for quitting, understand it's because you were caught breaking rules and the company upheld its values by enforcing then.
The report process is NOT automated, stop spreading lies. Every single report is reviewed by a human GM. They found you name to be in violation. There is no way to abuse the system. So the entire premise for your little hissy fit is based on false information or ignorance of how the system actually works.
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11/08/2018 10:59 AMPosted by Forumpost
My question is why have I been singled out? was it a forum post? was it pvp? was I trolling chat too hard?(I would like to see chat logs as I don't troll much if at all) am I a toxic player(again I would like to see chat logs)?

Only your name was in question, not your chat, that is a completely different penalty system.

The suspension is likely because of a past history of poor name choices, or even picking names that continue to break the rules after a past name change.

At question isn’t the other players you might find on the Armory. That information is often not up to date. They only take a look at names that are reported via the in game system that violates the current naming policy.
11/08/2018 10:59 AMPosted by Forumpost
what kind of policy is the autoreport feature?
There is no such thing as an autoreport feature. There is a "right-click>report player for" feature. Players are encouraged to use it to report Code of Conduct violations.
11/08/2018 10:59 AMPosted by Forumpost
it seems like an easily exploited one
It can't be exploited. One player=one report. It is manually checked by Blizzard and appropriate action is taken. If there is no violation found, no action is taken.
11/08/2018 10:59 AMPosted by Forumpost
overseen by bots that cant tell the difference between a legitimate offense and someone being harassed.
Reports are not reviewed by bots. They are reviewed by humans who are quite capable of telling the difference between a legitimate offense and someone being harassed. The thing is, if what is being reported is a violation of the Code of Conduct, action is taken. It doesn't matter the reason the reporter had for doing the reporting. The email sent is a form letter so that everyone who receives one receives the same information. A form letter in no way indicates that a bot was used. Most companies use form letters for replies.
11/08/2018 10:59 AMPosted by Forumpost
Blizz even upheld the suspension and if we change the spelling by removing the ae and replace it with ay theres a grand total of 67 bootybays in the game, without suspensions for an innappropiate name
The issue here is naming after a place in-game. Blizzard does not support using game/lore names for player's characters.

As well, you don't know what action has or has not been taken on those other accounts. The armory is a poor source for this. The characters could have been reported for rename and have not been logged into recently, so they haven't been renamed. The character could have been renamed recently or changed factions or changed realms and the armory has not yet updated. The character may have been reported and changed their name to the other spelling - itself a violation. The character may have been reported but their report has not been reviewed yet.

Someone else doing something wrong does not justify you doing it also.
11/08/2018 10:59 AMPosted by Forumpost
I just wanted to share my experience with the community and show yall what type of company were currently dealing with. as of right now my 4 day suspension may as well been a permaban cause ive uninstalled everything that has blizzard /activision on it. a billion dollar company this detached from humanity cant even communicate with me. were speaking 2 different languages at this point with no translation. that sub count just went -1.
Overreact much? It's a Suspension, even if you chose to "ban" yourself. All you have shown is that Blizzard enforces their rules when players report properly. What language are you trying to talk to them in? They offer support in English, Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese.

The only way to appeal a suspension is through the ticketing system. It can not be done through the forums.

Code of Conduct
World of Warcraft Naming Policy
Appealing a Silence, Suspension, or Ban

The name contains a word that also refers to a body part. That is another category that is not permitted in names.
11/08/2018 10:59 AMPosted by Forumpost
my question to the community. if what I say is true, do you agree wiith blizzards decision to suspend just one guy and make me change my name as if the other 67 have a copyright or something or does blizzard owe me a hefty apology and beg me to come back to their game?
What you said is not true. There is no automation involved with reporting or investigating the reports. If you were suspended, it was because a person who investigated the report made about you determined you earned the suspension.

As for others, you do not know if they have been actioned or not. You are not entitled to that information. It is between the other players and Blizzard. It is possible all the others you found have been actioned.

You were actioned because other players reported your name. If the others have not been changed or suspended, it's because no one has reported them yet. You were not singled out. There are millions of WoW players, why would they single you out?

Blizzard doe not owe you an apology. Nor are they going to beg you to come back.
11/08/2018 10:59 AMPosted by Forumpost
all my blizzard cups and mouse pads are going in the garbage
Why does that matter? You already paid for them.
11/08/2018 10:59 AMPosted by Forumpost
My question is why have I been singled out? was it a forum post? was it pvp? was I trolling chat too hard?

It can be for any reason or none at all, Forumpost. If a person saw your character and felt your name may violate our policies, they can report it.

11/08/2018 10:59 AMPosted by Forumpost
what kind of policy is the autoreport feature? it seems like an easily exploited one, only overseen by bots that cant tell the difference between a legitimate offense and someone being harassed.

To be clear, Forumpost, you are mistaken in your belief that naming reports are handled automatically. Yes, there are some aspects of the process that are automated. Such as the reports that a player makes by right clicking to report the name, that automatically generates a ticket to be sent up for Game Master review. The review is done by a real person though, based on our policies and procedures.

Another part that is "automated" is if the name is confirmed to violate policy the Game Master clicks a button and you are automatically flagged for a name change and the appropriate penalties for the violation are applied, including sending you an email notification. What penalties are applied often depend on the history on the account, which our systems take into consideration.

With that said, if the name reported has already been reported before, and confirmed to violate policy, it is placed on a list of verified bad names. While it does not go after characters that may currently have that name it should prevent new characters from using the name and make it easier for any new reported characters that currently have the name to quickly go through that review process.

11/08/2018 10:59 AMPosted by Forumpost
can someone explain this to me in plain English as I don't understand the logic behind allowing 1 bootiebae out of 67 be banned for innappropiate name and the rest go unharmed.

Are we talking about the difference between the two ways the names are spelled? One means treasure, the other means posterior. Certainly a humorous play on words, but while the name you had isn't obscene, it isn't necessarily appropriate either, which is why it was changed.

11/08/2018 10:59 AMPosted by Forumpost
as of right now my 4 day suspension may as well been a permaban cause ive uninstalled everything that has blizzard /activision on it

I am sorry to hear that, Forumpost.
Name violations normally result in an email and a prompt to change the name the next time the character is logged in.

If there was a four day ban imposed, there's more to the story than you have identified.
Certainly a humorous play on words

I respectfully disagree that this is "humorous", but I'm also known as a stick in the mud.

ive uninstalled everything that has blizzard /activision on it. ... that sub count just went -1.

I wish you the best of luck in your next gaming adventure. But I would also caution you to familiarize yourself with the next game's rules, especially when your actions affect other people (online multiplayer, etc.). All companies have rules governing these interactions, and if you don't take the time to understand the rules (or try to find not-so-clever ways to circumvent them), you will find yourself with quite the comprehensive list of companies with whom you won't do business.
11/08/2018 02:28 PMPosted by Melaesia
I respectfully disagree that this is "humorous", but I'm also known as a stick in the mud.
So, I have no knowledge of the OP, so I can’t assume they live in the same environment as I do. Perhaps they live in a more insular environment? But I think I can assume that the Blizzard employees who examine reports of naming violations have some exposure to common current usage.

In my neighborhood at least anybody would see Bootie, using that exact spelling certainly pronounce as it would be, as a reference to a body part, and bae as a reference to ones female significant other or someone who you would want as a significant other. The portmanteau Bootiebae being a common explicit expression that has no place in an online game venue.

If I saw this name in game I would certainly report it with the expectation that, regardless of who the immature idiot who used it was, they would be required to change it.
11/08/2018 11:53 AMPosted by Mourningg
The report process is NOT automated, stop spreading lies. Every single report is reviewed by a human GM. They found you name to be in violation. There is no way to abuse the system. So the entire premise for your little hissy fit is based on false information or ignorance of how the system actually works.

I'd guess that people often think it's automated because responses seem swift, which could sometimes be that the action was for something previous and simply came through at a coincidental time, but I would also expect it's simply because often these various language-based violations really are pretty cut and dry, even if the reported members don't think so (or try to create the impression they aren't).

11/08/2018 10:59 AMPosted by Forumpost
there is a location in the game called Booty Bay

Means 'treasure bay'.

11/08/2018 10:59 AMPosted by Forumpost

Means 'girl with big butt'. Bootie means butt, bae is usually taken as a contraction of 'babe' which means 'girl'. It's not appropriate as a name.

There's a difference between 'offensive' and 'inappropriate' btw, always important to remember. e.g Swearing up a storm in a business meeting is inappropriate, even if all people present swear that much on their own, private time. Nobody's offended, it's just inappropriate for the situation.
11/08/2018 03:34 PMPosted by Dathrel
There's a difference between 'offensive' and 'inappropriate' btw, always important to remember. e.g Swearing up a storm in a business meeting is inappropriate, even if all people present swear that much on their own, private time. Nobody's offended, it's just inappropriate for the situation.
An important distinction often overlooked.
LOOK, I realize im overreacting a bit and my anger is a response to someone else's who is obviously not having much fun in life if they found any name ive conjured up offensive. there all ment to be cute little jokes for you to see and laugh at. not be angry and offended. to have these strikes on my record is my biggest concern atm, cause I feel like im being pushed into a corner where to some it appears as if im a bad actor in this game due to the reports ive received to my account. I threw my tantrum and im sorry if it offended anyone. I also apologize for any misunderstanding on my part and as a result any slander I may have hurled your way in the process of venting. however I do think that if someone like myself who see's themselves as harmless and a plus for any community im in to be targeted and suspended without like some type of plea bargain. I MENT NO OFFENSE. if you where offended by my names you definitely need to cheer up. I am. and blizz as a company should tell the reporters of names sometimes to grow up. its a tough world out there, if an outlaw rogue named
Bootiebae offends you.... my other reported name was an unholy dk named Darthaids and an orc rogue name Vendortrash on an rp realm. I hope the majority of you don't find any of these three offensive names offensive. someone else did and I think theyre miserable. and im sorry. I did not mean to add to that, my intention would and will continue to be to make you giggle when you see my toons and their associated names. Don't worry Ill keep my day job.
you know na just won blizzcon. I think ill hold off on quitting for now. thank you Cdewd and method orange for bringing it home. my only gripe is DH's are a disgusting class in pvp and should be deleted xD
btw it wasn't that complex for me maybe im too old to understand but when I typed in Bootiebae it was for all intents and purposes to give mention to the pirate hub in the game and where im from boy are bae's too its a term of endearment. yeah spelling was off but I wanted it that way cause it looked like one word/name and not like I wasn't allow to space in between the booty and the bae. Bootybae just doent "look" right to me and the other spelling did. also the bae where im from can be an acronym for befor all else which means first. combine that with my intentions and not spelling my name translate into treasure before all else. but I guess in the !@#$ circles of the internet the meaning is degraded and devolved into something im unaware of til now. now if the gm could've explained this to an old man I wouldn't have wasted my time with nasty forum post. thx for the explanation though, looks like we are starting to speak different languages after all.
11/09/2018 09:07 AMPosted by Forumpost
if they found any name ive conjured up offensive

11/09/2018 09:07 AMPosted by Forumpost
not be angry and offended.

11/09/2018 09:07 AMPosted by Forumpost
im sorry if it offended anyone

11/09/2018 09:07 AMPosted by Forumpost

11/09/2018 09:07 AMPosted by Forumpost
if you where offended

two offensive names offensive

You keep saying offensive. I'm going to refer you back to Dathrel's post, because they stated it much better than I can:

There's a difference between 'offensive' and 'inappropriate' btw, always important to remember. e.g Swearing up a storm in a business meeting is inappropriate, even if all people present swear that much on their own, private time. Nobody's offended, it's just inappropriate for the situation.

11/09/2018 09:07 AMPosted by Forumpost
to some it appears as if im a bad actor in this game due to the reports ive received to my account.

No one else knows, except for the people you've shared it with. All account actions are private between the account owner and Blizzard, and Blizzard did not tell anyone.

But of the people who know, no one really cares. You broke a rule, took your pill, and hopefully learned something and became a better member of this community. You'll be hard-pressed to find a human being who follows every single rule, every second of the day. Learn and move on, my friend. :)

However, on the other hand:

11/09/2018 09:07 AMPosted by Forumpost
blizz as a company should tell the reporters of names sometimes to grow up. its a tough world out there

This will not happen. Blizzard sets rules, and encourages people to report violations, as Blizzard cannot possibly be in all places of the game at all times. It's much the same as seeing someone commit a crime in real life, and you call the cops. The cops cannot be in every location at all times. They rely on witnesses to stop crime. And the accused does not get very far by going to court and saying "everyone just needs to grow thicker skin, and let me commit these crimes".
The names policy is not new, bad names have been changed in the past. I’m just stating this so hopefully you understand that you were not targeted. More players do report than before, not out of malice, but because they now know that reports are not ignored, and everyone just wants a clean gaming environment.
11/09/2018 09:44 AMPosted by Kozzae
they now know that reports are not ignored

Also, the process for reporting is streamlined. It used to be open a ticket and describe the name (super annoying with extended ascii). Now it's just right-click and boom, you're done.
Just wanted to touch on something you said. Words can mean radically different things in different areas, countries, languages and even communities.

Language evolves, so a word that carries nothing beyond a general definition can suddenly be catapulted into the Urban Dictionary and be associated with a highly inappropriate subject or a truly offensive one just about overnight. That's just how powerful the internet is.

Similarly, a word that was always deemed offensive in the past can start to be used as common everyday language by people without a single thought as to that words offensive past. Many that do remember don't like or appreciate it much.

Your intent behind what you named your alt actually carries no weight and can't. Blizzard can't mind-read. All they can do is look at the name and see if it's possible to interpret that name as something already deemed by the game rules as inappropriate/offensive and enforce the naming rules. They can't judge based on what you claim you meant because, well... people lie to get around rule breaking all the time.

I do and will continue to report inappropriate and offensive names, (even if I do privately snicker and think they're funny play on words at times,) because they don't belong in this game. Name your characters those names in any other game that allows it. Just don't do it here.

By the way, Darthaids is very much not OK and I can't even fathom why you'd think it was OK to name a DK that. Your age doesn't matter. I'm almost 50 years old and I sure don't find that the least bit amusing on any level.
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11/09/2018 09:07 AMPosted by Forumpost
Vendortrash on an rp realm

Non RP names on an RP realm are generally frowned upon by the denizens of those realms so it's not surprising that name was reported
11/09/2018 09:07 AMPosted by Forumpost
if an outlaw rogue named
Bootiebae offends you.... my other reported name was an unholy dk named Darthaids and an orc rogue name Vendortrash on an rp realm. I hope the majority of you don't find any of these three offensive names offensive.

11/08/2018 03:34 PMPosted by Dathrel
There's a difference between 'offensive' and 'inappropriate' btw, always important to remember.
So you are on an RP Realm. That would be why your name(s) have been reported. I fully admit that I laughed at "Vendortrash". It is amusing, but, it does go against the naming policy on RP Realms.

As for the other name, Darthaids... Yeah, that one is not so cool. I'm sure there are people out there with a dark sense of humor that find it funny. But, there are others out there that have actually lost people to AIDS/HIV that won't find it funny nevermind the fact that it goes against the naming rules for RP Realms.

For future toon naming you should go into it like you would a really important job interview/church/dinner with your grandmother. If you wouldn't say it there then you shouldn't be naming your toon that. Just use some common sense. Not everyone has a quirky or dark sense of humor so not everyone is going to get or like the names you listed.

That would be why Blizz has rules about such things =)

*side note* - All my toons are on RP realms and I see names all the time that probably shouldn't be there, but, they are funny and/or harmless so I chuckle and just keep on moving. Like "Vendortrash" I would have just laughed and went about my day. So I'm not a huge stickler when it comes to naming rules. Others are though and take names on RP Realms very seriously. But, if I came across "Darthaids" I would have been reporting that name before I could even blink. As someone who lost their sister to AIDS from a bad blood transfusion, that name is NEVER funny and never will be. Just saying.
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