How to appeal forced name change

I bet the OP is also one of those guys that goes to police stations and borough halls to ‘audit’ them by being obnoxious as possible.


I wouldn’t care. You’ve already created a narrative in your mind, you’ll just roll with it.
I’ll give you this though. We are playing a fantasy game where the Bidens, the Trumps and all the political rubbish that goes along with them doesn’t exist. I’d like to keep politics and the ensuing drama out of the game. We get quite enough of it in our daily lives, games/hobbies are an escape from that.
You, on the other hand are striving to shove that in my face with yet another controversial person.
No bueno!


Likewise, with you.

You calling your own eyes “lying”? LOL

That being said, what we think we see may not actually be happening.

Do I need to post the “what color is the dress”?


I’m not shoving anything in your face, certainly not anything about the Bidens or Trump. If you don’t want to interact with me stop interacting with me

It’s a pretty common trope or meme. “Who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?” Not familiar with it?

Edit: a quick google search reveals it originated as a Groucho Marx bit, where his wife catches him in bed with another woman, and he denies what she plainly saw. When she continues to insist on it he says “who are you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?”

Probably will be my last thoughts on the matter, but as I mentioned before, there’s other players that also have the name Rittenhouse. None of them are on the forums with this issue. There is a difference between you and all of them that share the same name that isn’t apparent here.

That being said the only thing I can conclude is that, as I also mentioned before, an exchange was made in game that prompted numerous people to report you or you made this post to bait the obvious which many of us fell for.

Bottom line, if you got reported you just have to deal with it. Your name apparently has caused disruption in some way to someone else in game and is likely doing the same here on the forums.

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Alright fine, let’s do it, what color is the dress?

Does the monopoly guy wear a monocle?

Did Sinbad play a genie?

First you go for invalidation, now you want to stop communicating.
Your argument can’t stand on its own merit.

Again, enjoy your new name.


Now you’re just trolling. You can’t really lack self-awareness to this degree.

Enjoy your free name change and thread being locked up. GL out there.


Neat, now it’s playing the troll card. That’s ripe coming from you.

He’s lucky it’s the weekend. But yes, this thread will disappear.


If anything then I should be actioned for bad behavior in game, not actioned for a name change. It sounds like the name is perfectly within Blizzard’s naming rules.

That brings into question the nature of the behavior and what prompted the forced name change.

If someone had the name Charles that can relate to a wide variety of famous or infamous individuals.

But since your name is related to someone who is infamous and in a more recent time frame, it’s obvious why your name was reported in addition to something that we’re all not privy to.

There’s nothing else that should be discussed further on this topic and the post locked. Change your name and submit a ticket to blizzard if you feel that strongly about the forced name change.


Why would this thread be locked? Did you report it or something lol.

Also, if I have to I will just go with the name Blizzard assigned me, PlayerYTSHTR. I have to imagine that a name that THEY CHOSE is not actionable, notwithstanding it actually being more offensive than they name I chose lol.

ETA: was notified that this post was reported and hidden due to community reports, but that a staff member determined it did not violate the forum code of conduct. Will the griefers who abused the report function have their accounts actioned?

The odds of that particular combination of letters is probably pretty small, which is why it likely doesn’t happen very often. However, causation does not equate to correlation. No one named your character that. The process is simple.

  1. Players report your name, which generates a report for our staff.
  2. Game Master pulls their next ticket, which is the generated report.
  3. They review the name and deem it inappropriate so use a drop down in their tools to indicate it is a bad name.
  4. The system applies the appropriate penalties and actions based on that, which includes switching your character’s name temporarily to Player along with several randomly generated letters and flags it for a rename.

I believe LOTR characters are blocked so if you use the exact spelling, I doubt you’d be able to select that name. Otherwise, unless you were on an RP realm, it is unlikely it would be changed.

Obscene can mean a few things to different people, I would argue creating a Hunter with that name would be considered obscene to many and seems intentional in an association with imagery that name could bring up.

Yes and no. First, response times vary depending on the category, as we prioritize issues to get to folks who cannot play as quickly as we can. Current response times are sitting at a little over 2 days for most low priority generic issues, but only a few hours for the higher priority ones.

That doesn’t really account for behavioral and naming reports though, as they have their own category and priority. In your case though, the name had already been reviewed and determined to be inappropriate, which cuts down dramatically on response time since our staff had already reviewed the name and classified it. Cuts out the middleman, as it were, at that point since the call on the name had already been determined.

Lots of people find people getting hurt funny, that really isn’t validation.

In this case it would be:

“Take note that acceptable names are determined by player reports and Blizzard’s decision”

We try to provide an outline for what would be considered inappropriate for names and behavior, but there is simply no way to cover every eventuality. Though there is also a section in the EULA that covers user content that would be applicable.

Using just the last name in the first example probably would, but not likely Vladimir on its own. Context often matters. We’ve seen names that are fine on their own, but when you take the pet name into consideration, that becomes inappropriate.

Sure. That would fall under Trolling.

Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters

Admittedly, it is a more generalized category, but it is intended to account for all kinds of toxic behavior, which most insults fall under.

However, as you established in your 3rd post from 19 hours ago, the character is flagged for a rename which means you would have to change it before you could log into the game. The name you select at that point, would be subject to our naming policies.

It is important to note that such penalties stack. The action that you received this time around did not silence or suspend the account, as it is considered a warning. The next would likely escalate the penalty so I would urge you to pick a name that more appropriate.

Again, your character is flagged for a name change, you would have to select a new name before logging in. The temporary name you were given is just Player with randomly generated letters… which are applied by the system, not a person. As with the random name generator, all names are subject to our naming policies. Even if the system suggested a name, it still must abide by our Code of Conduct.

I try not to, but usually the threads have gone on for some time and often needs it. I’m going to unlock this one for now, but may close it again.


It’ll probably get less replies, seeing how this got moved from the Classic forums to CS.

I’mma hide back over to the Classic forums, again.

GL CS Forums!


This never happened. I was never actioned on this name for any reason. I named it once when I created it and never was forced to rename it or notified of any violation.

Where in the world are you getting the idea that it was already determined to be inappropriate?

Further, if the name is inappropriate, why can I search Armory for the name and find dozens of people with the exact same name

ETA: serious question: if I simply never log in on that character ever again (and also never rename it) will my forum avatar eventually update to PlayerYTSHTR? Being able to post as PlayerYTSHTR and not being liable for punishment because I didn’t choose the name would be a pretty sweet silver lining.

I didn’t say your character, I said the name. You naming the character that isn’t original, its been done before. When it happened prior to this, that other person’s character name was reviewed. It was determined to be inappropriate and in flagging it, we added it to our system so that future reports would already have that decision made.

First, the Armory is an unreliable investigation tool for names. It doesn’t necessarily reflect the status of a character. It can list characters that have already been deleted, or already have had their names flagged for a rename but haven’t yet logged in to do it.

Second, our policies are reactive in nature. We don’t review the character unless it is reported to us for review.

No, eventually the Armory will start to release data and the character won’t appear in it and may eventually disappear from your forum avatar options.

The Armory generally updates when the character is logged out of the game. You would need to log into and out of the game for the Armory to reflect its new name. Since that character is flagged for a rename, you’d need to select a new name before you could log in.


This sounds pretty close to what I expected… you flagged the name for rename and then an automatic system forced the rename when I logged in.

I don’t know what would be worse: an automated system that actions accounts without human input or a system whereby blizzard has GMs on standby ready to instantly action offensive names but is incapable of handling obvious bots. I think the latter, frankly.

Another serious question, since your system is based solely on reports (as you say) if someone has an offensive name but never logs in and only forum posts, there would be no way to action that name, correct?