How Much $$ To Fix Troll Heritage Set? GOFUNDME FOR BLIZZ

POST STARTS BELOW. (Message for Moderator) This post has been popular for over a week, if I had to guess I’d say it was likely flagged because people are sick of seeing it. This clearly isn’t an advertisement or promotion, this is a proposal to Blizzard, there is no link or any existing Gofundme active or in the works (I’ve never even made one) nor did I ask anyone to pledge money. The fact that people are pledging money is more of a joke and sign of support for Heritage Set changes if anything. If you’re reading this please pass along the fact that the community is overwhelmingly disapproving of the lack of effort that went into this set, and wants to see it fixed.

As a Haitian Woman I am very disappointed by the apparently lack of effort that went into the armor set design for the most culture rich race in this game. Lets talk brass tax here, Blizz. Do you feel as though you aren’t being compensated fairly enough to make good heritage sets any more? If that’s how you feel we can have that conversation. I’m willing to personally start a fund raiser to compensate your employees for their efforts to get this set sorted out.

The Darkspear set really should have been an easy win. I don’t know what happened here, idk if this was an AI thing, or last minute rush job, or maybe your Troll lore guy/gal called out sick. Maybe whoever worked on it took a little too long and they were only given so much time, doesn’t matter. Lets get this sorted out.

See we all know this isn’t how Trolls wear their cloth masks (#Free The Nose). We all know Darkspear are historically known for their awesome back get ups with the skulls and little colorful plates and ropes and we also know we don’t have a proper iteration for that in the game. Someone was cooking with that Icon of Shadows back piece but it isn’t done cooking.

It’s one thing to make a small shoulder and a big shoulder, it’s another thing to make the small shoulder that pitiful. Those clipping problems aren’t small, that trunk is clipping into our hearts, and that belt is so small and clipped off you can barely see the cloth section.

I can throw together a Go Fund Me right now, and we’ll get you compensated, there’s no reason to stick to your guns on this, it’s bad, may we please have a revised version?

P.S. Looks like the Draenei aren’t very happy with theirs either, we can start a separate fund raiser for them too if necessary.


Blizz gonna start running kickstarters for every mog they make now. Stop giving them ideas.


I want them to feel like they’re being fairly compensated, how much is enough to put forth a product worth of a Triple A Game? Should we bump it up to $16/month? $18? $20? What’s the point of paying a sub if we’re receiving a sub par product? The effort clearly wasn’t being put forward here, they set the bar for themselves, from years of playing we know what effort looks like from them and this isn’t it.


Let me know if you hear anything back! I’ll throw down $80 if even a couple people chip in before me and Blizz confirms they’ll fix it. (I’m a people pleaser)


I’ll throw in an empty Red Bull can and a half-used stick of deodorant.


OK FINE. I’ll match 10% of your total. If you manage to get like 2k in donations that’ll earn you an extra $200. I’m doing this in good faith, personally it’s more of a gamble that they’re just going to double down and refuse to fix the set the same way they double down and insist they’re “closely monitoring PvP performance” when they put forth those tone deaf Class Balance Patches.


If I could choose custom mogs of my choice using $$ I’d actually do it. I’d drop $500

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I’ll donate a loaf of banana bread I baked the other day if they just remove the elephant nose.


Yup, I’m sold. I’ll cough up. Just waiting on that confirmation blue post.

We should officially rename it the elephant heritage set. It has nothing to do with trolls. It’s a set to honor the heritage of elephants.

To be fair, the amount of troll themed armor that’s already out there across all classes is insane, so they were working against their own brilliance.

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The sad part is that I’m morbidly curious to see if there will be an explanation for the elephant mask.

Is it to honor some Loa? To honor some extinct elephants the Darkspeare rode before switching to raptors? An epic prank by Bwonsamdi?


Honestly it would take a pretty grand gesture, Mam’Toth was the mammoth Loa but I doub’t the Darkspear would be honoring him with a mask. If this was Bwonsamdis doing I swear :laughing:

I’m on board with that.

What kind of deodorant?

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Yes please! Don’t leave us out! We’ve been here since BC, have lovely hooves, and deserve much better!


Both sets being wonky really decreases our chances of either set getting fixed because if they do one the question will shift to why not the other. I really hope they don’t double down on this but it looks like they already have.

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Lots of people are complaining but sadly I think they’ll do what they always do with badly received content… just ignore the complaints until move onto something else and it turns into a meme/old joke.


That’s almost certainly what’s going to happen. Don’t get me wrong I hate to be cynical, I’m an optimist by nature but when it comes to Blizz they really just don’t give a hoot and straight up tell you they do left right and center. Business is business. I know if my clients were dissatisfied with my work to the point of offering to pay more I’d make it right, but I actually take pride in what I do.

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I have enough “soda” cans to chip in that they should be able to turn them in and get them at least ten bucks.

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Every little bit counts, we need every can we can get! (Wow that’s an impressive amount of cans)


Looks at human and Forsaken heritage sets

What do you mean by “any more”?

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