Hot Take: Ban Doomsayers

Yeah, can’t say I actually do that, chief. If I find myself bored with WoW, I simply stop playing and halt my subscription. I’ve done it several times over and I’ll probably do it again in the future.

Maybe most gamers playing the game don’t, but as someone who frequents the forums often to engage with the community, they may take issue with the endless tirades people go on.

I don’t think it’s unreasonable to call those people out.

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Meanwhile if you make a thread criticizing something like a heritage set you’ll be told to “stop attacking the artist” because you think the elephant mask looks bad.

Either way, I once again don’t feel like the quality of character around here is good enough to pass much judgment, and that I’m as always pleased to know that it isn’t the posters that make the rules here.


It’s hilarious to me that there are people out there who are so invested in the game that they consider any or all criticism to be proof that those others “hate” the game. These are people who are convinced that everybody should love everything about the game, and should stand up for blizzard and write glowing posts on all media in support even of clearly broken features, features which were misrepresented by Blizzard, and unpopular features and systems that are causing people to quit the game entirely.

I don’t understand the hate you have for the majority of players who are not willing to pretend they are working for a PR subcontractor. Who are willing to discuss what they see as problems with the game that are hurting it both right now and in the future.

If you can’t stand most of the people who play wow, maybe you should find yourself a nice single player game.

Yes chairman Mao… :man_facepalming:

That’s not what I’m witnessing. More like complain about or criticize something and instantly get ridiculed or accused of rage-baiting. I myself got told several times that I should see a doctor or need therapy, just because I dislike the concept of FOMO and limited-time events.
But as Haugsp said, there are morons on both sides of this.

My opinion still stands, that it’s pretty unreasonable to be so invested in fighting other players’ criticism. If it’s filled with harmful language, then report and move on. Threats and insults are already not allowed. And “doomsaying” isn’t a bannable offense and neither should it be.


Did that happen in a single thread?

Didn’t see it in this one

Or this one

I did see people in this one say something along the same lines, but a bit different in meaning

People merely explaining that just because you dont like this itself, doesnt mean the artist is personally a horrible person at their job. Which I feel is a fair statement.

Think this thread could’ve ended and been summed up nicely if people were capable of using common sense and executing this reasonable level of moderation.

Alas, GD gon GD.

Yes. There are fringe members on each side.

But you know what is not “fringe”? Disliking WoW and calling anyone that enjoys it a shill. That is absolutely common place.

You literally can not make a positive WoW thread without it being invaded.

You can post that you havent enjoyed WoW in a decade, and be universally liked. So many threads are judged by how much you hate WoW, its hilariously disturbing.

In the case of this thread it was about 15 posts in before someone implied that it was an attack on the artist.


“There are morons on both sides.”

So what? Can’t change people.

Thing about stupidity is it’s often not the stupid people who suffer. It’s the people around them.

But you don’t have to suffer if you don’t let yourself. Let the morons be morons. Report and/or ignore. Problem solved!

So a single fringe response?

A little different than a mass of people doing the opposite.

Once again. People on both ends of the spectrum exist. But calling anyone that talks positively about WoW a shill, an employee, etc is not on the end of the spectrum at this point. Its common place.

So are replies like “skill issue,” “Can I have your gold,” and “We’ll see you back next week” en masse to any and all complaints.

So I find the love to be fairly equally spread.


It’s the end of the spectrum in terms of intellect and common sense reasoning.

There’s that spectrum, and then there’s the quantity of posts containing idiocy.

This is why it’s impossible to have any coherent discussion on what criticism is and what it should look like, because you get these extremely awful takes that basically twist and skew what people are saying into something else entirely.

Not OP or anyone here stated they took issue with any and all criticism, and it’s willfully ignorant to assume that there aren’t a plethora of people who take their criticisms with the game too far.

It’s the embodiment of that one tweet where people extrapolate a completely different, intended meaning from what was originally said.

“I like pancakes.”

“So you hate waffles?”

No, my guy. That’s a completely different sentence.


“Skill issue” is often stated to things that are, in fact, skill issues. Nothing about people liking or disliking WoW.

“Can I have your gold” and “We’ll see you back next week” are in response to people constantly announcing their departures then still playing.

Has nothing to do with liking or disliking WoW. Disliking everything about WoW yet still playing is actually an extremely common thing here on the forums.


Glares around

Where did half the player base go?


I’m sure the perspective of those calling others shills is that they are observing what they think is shill behavior. :man_shrugging:

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Yes. They believe shill behavior is “not hating everything about WoW”

Where skill issues, are typically actually aligned with (generally) issues of skill.

See how thats pretty different?

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I think I’ve mentioned straw-manning and the alarming quantity of people who clearly don’t understand the concept half a dozen times at this point.

Probably took me a bit longer than it should’ve to realize “what’s the point”

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And plenty of people believe “abusive criticism” is just “not loving everything about WoW.”

We can all just assert things from our own perspective and say “this is how it is.”

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